Chapter 18

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Mari POV

We decided the team and some of the leaguers would be staying in safe houses and the manor, but many of the Titans decided they wanted to sleep at the manor. I was in my room tossing and turning and I knew for a fact that no one else would be sleeping although we needed sleep for tomorrow. The war would begin and we weren't sure who would survive it. How many of us will have only this last night to rest? I sat up from my bed and went outside and called, "Guys, if youre awake come out."

Emerald, Colin, Lian, Cass and Damian came out of their bedrooms, hair messy but eyes wide. "Im tired of trying to sleep. Come on."

They seemed a little confused but followed. I headed to the kitchen. "Everyone raid. "

After a moment, I went straight for the chocolate I kept in a special place so no one else decided to take it. Then everyone started scourging for food. Damian was the first to ask, "Why are we doing this?"

"Because Im hungry and being full helps us sleep."

He raised an eyebrow, "That has sugar in it."

"Alright, Mini Bat detective."

He glared at me and I stuck a tongue at him, but I felt the mood lift a little. When everyone had arms full of junk food, we made our way out onto the garden and sat on the soft grass. The stars were bright tonight. I rare blessing in Gotham where the forecast was always gloomy clouds. It was almost as though, the universe wanted us to see one more beautiful thing before war destroyed the world.

Amongst the rattling of packaging and crunching of chips and sweets, Lian asked," Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we had normal parents?"

Colin and I laughed, Cass smiled and Emerald said, "Theres no such thing as normal."

Lian shifted onto her knees, "I know I know. But I mean can you imagine a life where we werent superheroes or sidekicks. Like what do you think you would be doing right now?"

That threw me back a little, but it was Colin who answered, "Maybe going to the movies with a girl."

I raised my eyebrow at him and smiled, "Anyone in particular, Wilkes? "

He smiled, widely, "Nah, just a thought. What about you?"

"Hmmm, I would probably be looking for a modeling gig or pretending to be productive with something that Im so going to leave to the last minute. Emerald?"

"Horror movie fest." She said while popping a jelly bean in her mouth.

Lian said," I think I would be getting into a fight."

Damian rolled his eyes," Arent we always fighting?"

She smirked, "Yes but this will be for no reason. You?"

He shrugged," Probably something similar to yours."

I rolled my eyes, "Very creative. What about you, Cain?"

She thought about it for a while and then raised her hand in defeat," I believe I would be doing exactly this. I cant really imagine anything different."

I looked at her, thinking back on how the two of them were raised. So isolated, it was hard to imagine how they felt day to day. How easily they could have gone down the wrong path. Even Lian had she not followed in her fathers footsteps. I looked at Damian and smiled, "I guess I really wouldnt want to be anywhere other than here. It just feels right."

He tilted his head slightly as though he was processing what I was saying. I shook my head with a laugh," I suppose we wouldnt really be friends if we werent superheroes, huh?"

Lian pointed a choc-stick at me, "Now that would be sad as f*ck."

Colin chirped in, "Ditto."

A sudden idea struck me, "Why dont we play a game?"

Lian laughed, "We have a war to fight tomorrow. Arent we supposed to be getting sleep?"

I get up and say, "Meh, we can be adults tomorrow. Lets be children tonight."

Damian said, "You're a child every day."

I narrowed my eyes at him and said, "Thats beside the point."

Unexpectedly, I pushed off the ground and half flew and jumped towards him, "Tag youre it!"

He looked at me confused and expression that was also shared by Cass, but everyone else sprang to their feet and away from him as though he had the plague. A natural reaction. Emerald and I floated in the air, a meter or so of he ground and I said, "We're playing catches. So, when I tag another person, that means theyre it and they have to catch someone else."

Damian scowled, "Whats the point of this?"

I floated upside down above him so we were face to face, "No point," I booped his nose, "Its just fun."

Quicker than I expected him to be he touched me and flipped backwards away, I looked at him in astonishment, more that I hadnt seen that coming then anything else," Im a quick study."

I flew at him, while he ran away towards Colin, who seemed to think that I was only after Damian and forgot to dodge me." Tag, Wilkes "

I zoomed away and watched as he ran after Lian with a grin on his face. Lian was faster than him though and laughed, "You cant catch me, Wilkes."

Cass had still been observing us play the game and Wilkes touched her and ran, Cass took a moment in what looked like contemplation and we all paused to see if she needed help. Suddenly, she jumped high to where Emerald had been floating and dragged her down and flipped away has Damian had done.

Lian whooped," Nicely done."

Emerald then faded into an indigo shadow and appeared just before Lian reaching out for her, but Lian dodged it and ran towards the maze of hedges. Aware of Emeralds power, we all scattered for a hiding spot. I found myself behind a hedge with a huge smile on my face as I tried to listen for her.

"You look so happy." Said a soft voice from behind me. It was Damian.

I put a finger to my lips, "Shh she'll hear you."

He took a step closer to me, "No, shes heading towards Wilkes. This was a good idea."

I raised my eyebrow, "You sound surprised."

"Perhaps we should incorporate this game into our training if we survive tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes, "Trust you to try to turn something fun into something not."

He looked almost offended, "Actually, I was attempting to do the opposite."

I threw my arm around him and kissed him, "My mistake."

The green of his eyes clashed with the green of mine as he stared so intently at me. He said suddenly, "If it werent for this war, I would have desired we go somewhere."

I couldnt help the grin that overtook my face, "Like on a date."

He turned somewhat hesitant, almost shy, "I believe that is what they are called."

I said with a cocky tone, "Who would have thought Damian Wayne was such a romantic."

He scowled, Damian hated to be teased, and pulled away, but I slinked around him so that as he turned around, I was in front of him again. I took his hands in mine and looked up at him, "I would love to go on a date with you when this war is finished."

I lifted myself slightly as I kissed him. It was a small blessing that night. The stars, the weather, the team, Damian. One could almost forget the bloodshed that followed.

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