Chapter 15

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Mari Pov

We were in the T-Ship, (upgraded thoroughly, from the old days so that the controls were at the front of the ship and there were bunk beds at the back), Miss Martian flew while Superboy and I watched the monitors for threats. The beauty of space with its clusters of stars, never failed to amaze me and right now, I wanted a distraction. Ive come close to death many times with suddenness but never really walked, or in this case flew, into it. As I gazed out into the vacuum, my mind wondered to what would happen if I died. Who would mourn me? Who wouldnt? Howd my parents react? My friends? Damian?

Im not ready to leave them.

I was snapped out of my gloomy thoughts when Mgann gave a proximity warning. "We're here"

We couldnt see the ships from where we were, but we wouldnt risk going too near or they might detect the ship. Conner and I cloaked ourselves, Mgann, being Martian, didnt need to. If I didnt cloak myself, my hair would be a flare, giving away our position instantly.

We exited the ship and flew (or whatever the word is for traveling I space). Then the ships came into sight

They were gigantic warships each the size of a big city, menacing, brass-colored and moving towards Earth.

A heartbeat sped up in panic, Each of those will hold 500 000 Citedalians.

I count 10, said Mgann through the mind link.

I looked closely, and pointed a little was apart from these ships, 20.

Superboy surveyed them, We should get on board, find out more.

The three of us dont stand a chance if were discovered, I say , but it is the entire Earth at stake.

In the back of my mind, my promise with Damian echoed.

Mgann seemed resigned, Lets not get caught.

We synced our watches to an hour, then well meet back at the T-ship. Mgann took the ship right upfront because she could morph into them if need be. Conner would go with her incase and I would check out why the ships in the back were so far back.

When I was closer to the ships, I noticed that they were different then the others. Attached to the bottom were massive machines I counted two on each ship. I scanned them so that Uncle Vic could have a look at them when we get back. I flew around the ship covertly to look for the best way to get on board. I couldnt find anything that wouldnt alert them to my presence. So, Id just have to be quick.

As quick as I could I used a starbolt to cut a hole in the back most of the ship. The metal was thick and took longer than I was comfortable with. As soon as I was through an alert went off with a rough sound, that I identified as the Citedalians speech. I felt a wash of panic go through me. I looked for cameras, but didnt see any, so I decided to hide. Citedalians rushed into the room, 2 and a half meters tall, pale brown and scaly and covered with armor. They didnt notice me hiding behind a sort of boat-like machine. They were hastily repairing the damage I made. Another stomped in and threw another across the room close to where I hid. I held my breath. The Citedalian was too busy cowering to notice me. The one who threw him seemed angry. With any hope, hell think the explosion was their fault.

I waited until they left before I emerged cautiously and walked hastily to the nearest computer looking thing. I attached one of Grandpas devices to download information onto the computer and waited tensely, looking left and right to make sure no one came looking.

When it was done, I breathed a sigh of relief and crashed through the same way I came in and flew as fast as I could away before anyone noticed. When I felt far enough away, I turned and saw I was safe.

Take that, Damian, I thought smugly, reckless and saf-.

An explosion sounded from the ships that Mgann and Conner were on. Oh shit.

When I got there, it turned out I didnt need to break into this ship, there was already a gaping hole with Miss Martian and Superboy fighting off Citedalians. I rushed to join them and starbolted a few Citedalians back.

Superboy was using an unconscious Citedalian as a mallet and whacking the others left and right.

We'll be overrun soon. I can cause a distraction and we escape, but shield your eyes. I say to them.

I knew they consented when they moved subtly behind me. I took a quick breath and let power travel through my body. I felt the power radiate beneath my skin and then I let it out, I shone bright like a purple star. The Citedalians drew back, covering their eyes in pain. The power exploded out of me and the Citedalians hit the walls of their ships.

The three of us wasted no time in escaping. I nearly breathed a sigh of relief nearly. A green beam shot past me, I turned to wonder how they missed, only they hadnt. Mgann had stopped, her face a sculpture of pain and a crescent burned out of her right torso. Superboy flew to her immediately and gathered her in his arms, the panic in his features mimicked the rapid beating of my heart. Go! Ill distract them.

Conner didnt need convincing, I was sure that his mind singled out Mganns immediate need. I would be next to powerless, but it needed to be done. I recreated the star burst to distract them from Conner and Mganns escape. I stopped when I thought that they reached the ship. Shaking the drowsiness from my head, I hurried to the ship. Conner was trying to bandage Mganns wound. I rushed to the controls and activated the boomtube.

I looked out the window and thanked Xhal, I recognized the Watchtower. Tiredness swamped me and I collapsed with exhaustion. Damians gonna be so pissed at me.

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