Chapter 7

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Mar'i POV

There was rattling , a metallic rattling that caused my head to give a painful protest against my skull.
I shifted, but my movements were lethargic and exhausting. Each movement felt like I flew to space and back. I felt a restriction to my hands and by my ankles. My brain processed little, stimuli processed sluggishly as thought through honey  and most not at all.
A buzz cut though the air and a growl of pain. Something about the growl worried me, a familiarity of it, that person needed me, but I couldn't help him.
A sharp, feminine voice cut through the rattling, "Enough!"
A metallic bang sounded and it seemed as though it had happened in my head as pain expanded in my skull.
"Release us, Mother."
I knew the angry voice that had spoken, but my brain wouldn't connect who it was.
The feminine voice replied with disgust, "You are an Al Ghul, you have strayed far. Your Grandfather would be immensely disappointed."
"That is of little concern to me. Release, Mar'i!"
"You care about this... Weak Thing?"
"Mother, even you are not so idiotic to believe Mar'i is not powerful. If you had, you wouldn't have drugged her and restrained her. Are you that afraid of my Beloved?"
There was pause where neither voice spoke. Then the feminine voice said, "Get Kirova and Ahmed. Inform them that they are allowed to enjoy themselves with the Alien spawn before we deliver it to the Cidedalians."
The metallic banging, " Mother, No!"
" Tell them that must carry out their enjoyment in front of ,my dearest son"
Her voice dropped to almost a whisper, " Perhaps this will educate him on his place."
Rattling became louder as though more violent.
"Love is a weakness, Damian. You will progress more efficiently when she has departed."

Sorry for the short chapter but I'm a bit busy

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