Chapter 20

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Damian's POV

I slammed my mask down onto the table, making a thump that resounded through the Batcave. "Someone needs to explain to me why this plan went to shit so fast."

Many of the superheroes had made their way back to the Batcave, using the tunnels that were at the safehouses. The defeat of the first battle hung heavy in the silence. Everyone had taken to staring off into a spot as though that held the answers to our current predicament.

Father observed the footage streaming from the cameras around the city. The metahumans were wondering around Gotham, which we assumed meant that they were searching for us. Luckily the city had been evacuated or who knows what might have happened.

I looked at the screen. Mari was floating like a ghost haunting the streets. I couldn't explain the feeling in my chest at seeing her like that. Mar'I, who was always animated and smiling, now looking as though she were almost dead. It made me want to punch something very hard. It made me want to reach through the screen and hold her back to life.

Grayson walked next to me and stared miserably at the screens. I realized it must have been especially hard for him. Both his wife and daughter were being controlled. If there was anyone who felt what I felt, it was Grayson.

Father spoke, impassively as he analyzed the screens, "They didn't come straight for the Batcave. That means though they can control their bodies, they can't access their minds."

His calm, critical voice irritated me, but before I could say anything, Grayson did, "How can you discuss them with no emotion. They are our friends! That's your granddaughter!"

Father didn't turn, but there was a firmness in his voice, "We are fighting a war. We need to remain rational."

Grayson knocked over something on the desk and it shattered in the ground, before I could see what it was. He stormed out of the Batcave and up the stairs. I followed him, not completely sure why. Maybe I wanted to be around someone who was experiencing what I felt. I wasn't accustomed to these feeling of worry and dread for someone I cared about. I wanted to talk to Grayson about them. I obviously couldn't talk to Father, who would look at everything clinically going forward. However, I knew he was right... distantly. We were at war; we need to remain calm and rational.

But everything I felt for Mar'I, even wanting to save her, felt completely irrational. And I wanted to do it anyway. The urge to run onto the streets in a foolish attempt to save her was overwhelmingly strong.

I found Grayson in my bedroom, which used to be his. His head was in his hands. "This is my room now."

He straightened and it seemed all the fight had flowed out of him, "What is it, Damian? Have you come to tell me the Bruce is right?"

I sat down next to him, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Father is right... But I disliked the way the spoke of our allies with callousness as well. And of M- Grayson Spawn"

Grayson turned to me with a puzzled expression , "You really have grown, Damian."

I shifted with unease and said, "I don't quite know how to say this. But I'm experiencing these strange feelings. I should be thinking about things critically like Father, but I can't."

Grayson observed me, "What do you mean strange feelings?"

I avoided eye contact with him. Getting up, I'd decided it was better not to elaborate on this or I'd end up telling Grayson about Mar'I and I. Mar'I needed to be here for that conversation. 'Never mind, Grayson. I just wanted you to know you're not alone in your irrational feelings."

Grayson spoke before I left, wit concern in his voice, "You know you can tell me Damian."

I just nodded and said, "I'm going back to the cave. I'm sure Father has already thought of a plan to get them back."

Grayson and I headed back to the Batcave. Father didn't say anything as he watched us descend the stairs. When we were down, he spoke, "We need to capture one of them. Then we can see how to get those things off of them. We have no hope of fighting this war without our power houses. What needs to be figured out is who is easiest to handle?"

Batman continued, "Superman is out of the question. For whatever reason they've called him back towards the ship. Unfortunate, as his weakness is easily exploited."

Roy who had been quiet the whole time said, "Martian Manhunter is too risky with his shapeshifting and phasing through walls. If he slips past us and warns the others. Problem."

Grayson stared at the image of Starfire," Kor'I, I wouldn't advise. She may not be in the league but she's a walking nuclear bomb."

Todd piped up, "I can second that."

They narrowed it down and deliberated on all of the members of the failed mission to the Citedalian ships. Finally, when I knew they hopes were diminishing I took a chance, "Mar'I is a viable option"

I saw Lian about to protest and I implored her silently to be quiet. Father seemed to consider it. I knew he liked Mar'I. Despite the accusation, everyone was aware that he was fond of his granddaughter. Grayson seconded me, "Yeah. Definitely. Mar'I has much less battle experience. She'll be an easier target."

I wondered whether he had forgotten the way her powers had acted out that day or whether he thought it was a one-time thing.

Lian looked distinctly uncomfortable, but she heeded my look and kept silent. Everyone in the room liked Mar'I, they would want to get her back. Jason grabbed his helmet, "Well then Let's get my niece back."

It was simultaneously decided. I felt relief flood my body like cool water to a perched man. We were getting Mar'I back.

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