Chapter 4

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I woke to a steady breath under me. Blinking the drowsiness out of my eyes, I look up to see the sleeping form of Damian. So calm and peaceful, so unlike the Damian who walks around with scowls and a rigid posture.
I gently crawl out of his grasp and am surprised when he doesn't wake, Damian is such a light sleeper.
I struggle to my feet and immediately feel dizzy. I quickly caught the tree trunk to steady myself. Maybe I'd have better luck flying. I tried to think of a happy thought and immediately my mind fell on last nights events. A blush crept up my cheeks and I smiled. But nothing happened. My happiness quickly turned to puzzlement then to panic. Why wasn't this working?
I tried to light a starbolt and nothing happened. I bit my lip. Damian is probably already stressing about being stranded, even if he doesn't show it. I can't tell him about this or he'll be worried.
I resign on secrecy and head to the duffel bag and dig in to see what food Damian brought.
I frown, Damian had brought a huge packet of trial mix and weird protein bar things wrapped in silver packaging.
I shake my head, he did prepare but he must have thought it unlikely to be stranded here himself. Digging around more I found a hunting knife and smirk.
My mother and father took me hunting a few times...of course then I had my super strength.
Sighing I get up anyway and grab a stick to steady myself to walk, ready to venture through the jungle.
"Mar'i, what are you doing?"
I turn to see Damian sitting upright, narrow in his eyes at me.
I roll mine, "I was going to go hunting."
He stood up, " Not in that condition you're not."
"I do what I want , Damian." I say and begin walking.
Damian walked in front of me, "I said no."
"And I'm saying I don't give a fuck, so get out of my way." I go around him and his katana flies out and in front of me.
I exhale, frustrated, "Are you for real?"
He held his gaze firm.
"Urgh, for the love of X'hal just come with me."
"No I'll go hunt, you lay down."
I push his katana out of the way, earning a slight graze that I quickly hid by fisting my hand, "Damian, do you even know how to hunt?"
He rolls his eyes, "I was a member of the league of assassins."
"And I studied various survival tactics from the warlords of Okara, my mother and father. Damian, I am fully capable of hunting, so either let me go or so help me I with starbolt you out of my way."
Which of course was a lie, since my powers weren't working, but Damian sighed and said , "Fine, but-"
"Becareful, I got it." I say and I walk.
Damian followed after a huff of irritation,  "You are the most intolerable person I have ever met."
I smirk, "Is that why you kissed me last night?"
Damian's face tinted pink,  but he said nothing and we walked in almost silence for about 10 minutes when the sound of running water came to my ears.
"Damian, can you hear that?",  I say in excitement and accidentally drop my makeshift walking stick.
No wave of dizzyness hit me as I took a step without it. I supposed the sun had given me enough energy to walk. Maybe soon I will absorb enough sunlight to regain my powers.
Damian suddenly grabbed my arm and I turned and cocked an eyebrow at him.
He scowled, " You dropped the stick."
Then understanding that he had thought I would fall,  I tried no to smile, "I can walk fine without it."
He set his jaw and continued walk-in with my hand in his,  leaving me no choice but to follow. I was slightly irritated from being babied but the warmth from Damian's touch silenced me.
We energed into a clearing with a huge waterfall, spraying fine mist into the air,  creating little shimmers of rainbows. I giggled,  like a little girl in a fantasyland,  and let go of Damian's hand. He looked at me as though I was crazy.
As I kneeled and folded my legs under me,  at the edge of the lake, thrusting my hands into the warm water,  I looked at Damian, "Oh Damian, it's beautiful.Tell me you see it too."
Damian wasn't staring at the scenery, but straight into my eyes when he said, "I see the purest form of beauty."
I felt the urge to go to him,  but resisted. I wanted him to come to me. I turned away from him and stripped of my armor,  leaving me in my bra and underwear.
Damian's incredulously voiced,  throatily,  "What are you doing?"
"Going for a swim" I say as I walk to the lake
Damian huffed,  "Need I remind you that you are still recovering-"
"You needn't" I say and dive into the water.
I loved the feel of water against my skin it was like flying but floating to be swimming. A bit cold though,  odd I don't usually feel cold....
I floated to the surface,  near the waterfall  rocks,  to gather sunlight and find Damian not on the shore, "Damian?"
He was no where in sight, my heart rate sped just as a tug pulled me below the surface. I felt a body press against me and my back hit the stone. I bit back a gasp,  as I felt the pain of my still tender skin. It was a good thing I did.
Damian,  wearing only his boxers,  was pressing against me and kissing me. I push him back, "Damian,  don't scare me like that!"
"I thought you liked aquatic games." He said matter of factly.
"No I meant,  when I saw you weren't on the beach."
His eyes softened,  "I apologise,  I was not aware my- lack of presence worried you."
"Well it does. So don't-" I take a deep breath,  "Don't worry me like that."
He runs his hand gently down my face,  cupping my face gently with his warm careful hands.
I looked into his eyes and see his eyebrows knitted together.
He looks straight into my eyes,  and says sternly, "You're cold. Get out of the water."
I let out a little laugh and shake my head,  "Damian,  I'm fine-"
" You're shivering,  Mar'i."
"N-no I-i'm n-" I then hear the chatter of my own teeth. Since when did I shiver.
I felt myself being hoisted up and onto the rocks.
Damian says in a strict tone,  "Stay here,  I'm getting the towel."
He dives into the water and I see his body swim under the water fall.
I stand to get away from the now icy water. A breeze blows my wet body and I shake uncontrollable. I take a deep breath to try and steady myself but end up coughing. A coughing fit takes over me and I cover my mouth instinctively. It come away stained with blood.
I just felt fine,  what was happening to me? I don't have my powers? A slight breeze is making me cold?
I move to the wall to steady myself,  as the weakness takes over me and my legs tremble. I fall to the ground ad try to shield my head from impact. I keep thinking don't blackout,  You're being weak. But those thoughts didn't stop the darkness from pulling me to unconsciousness.

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