Chapter 21

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Damians POV

The remaining heroes and I headed towards the docks, where Mar'I was blowing up ships. Using the tunnels, we would emerge at a safe house overseeing the bay. Lian fell into step by me and grabbed my arm roughly.

She whispered, harshly, "Are you really not going to tell them what happened?"

I glared, "No, and neither are you!"

"Damian, we could get hurt-"

"I was under the impression that MarI and you were as sisters. Is that not true?"

"We are best friends! But that doesnt mean I want to endanger everyone here."

I nearly shouted; I heard my own voice as foreign to me. My voice had never held such raw emotion, "There is no full proof plan! None of the heroes are the ideal choices. At least we can have her back!"

"And what if we cant save her, Damian?"

I stepped back. Feeling my heart thud with that question. My throat burning like I was being forced to drink acid.

"Hey, why are you two slowing down?"

We both turned to see Harper looking at us with quizzically. Lian gave me one last distressed look before she walked to join her father. The words shed said still thudded in my head. I couldnt imagine not having MarI back. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, trying to control the torrent of emotion I was not used to.

I caught up with Lian and whispered so no one else heard, "There is no what if. I am getting her back."

She remained silent, worry evident in her eyes.


We'd made our way to the safehouse and gazed down and Mar'I moving like a puppet on a string. She'd raise her hand, mechanically, and blast a ship until it sunk. Then, move on to the next.

Father looked down, "Robin, Speedy, go to that warehouse and collect the chains used to anchor the boats. Mar'I is strong but she wont be able to break out of those thick chains easily. If were quick enough we can capture her."

Todd spoke, "And then what? She might fly away, dragging us behind her."

Lian said, glumly, "You'd think shed be weakened with no sunlight."

I felt a shock go through me, "Father, I have an idea."


Lian and I crouched at the deck of one of the ships. We'd waited for nightfall to enact the plan. Since mostly members of the Bat family were here, it would make setting up for the capture much easier.

"How exactly are you planning on using this thing? Its so heavy and huge." , Lian had asked, dubiously, when they lugged it from the Batcave.

Her attitude started to irk me, I snapped," It will work."

She'd kept quiet after that, but held fast to her dubious expression. But I couldnt allow it to meddle with my thoughts. This was going to work, because there was no other option.

Once we made our way back into the Docks, everyone scattered. Sneaking through the shadows into advantageous positions. The device given to Grayson and Todd, which made me anxious. Though it had been my plan, not being in control of the key part, was worrying when so many things could go wrong.

Nevertheless, I stuck to my role, Grayson would never be careless with his own daughter, nor Todd with his beloved niece. I had to trust in that.

Lian and I got into position and waited for the signal from Grayson.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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