Chapter 2

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Mar'i's POV
I woke to the night sky and tree branchs. There was a flickering light,  which I assumed to be a fire from its warmth,  to my right. I tried to move my hand and immediately regretted it.
I tried to remember what happened: The Brain and Mala, electricity, we were running, Damian!
Where was Damian? I was with Damian where was he? What if something happened to him?
He couldn't wait for me to rest I had to find him.
I attempted to raise my hand again and gritted my teeth.
I tried to push of the ground but ended up falling back down.
A gasp escaped my mouth.
Damian was by my side, kneeling over me, "How are you feeling?"
"Everything hurts...what happened?"
"You unintelligently attempted to protect me from the explosion.", he seemed a bit uneasy while saying it.
It all came back to me, "Are you okay?"
He chuckled, an action I had rarely seen him do so I blinked at him.
"Yes Mar'i I am well. You however might not be. The solar absorption seemed to have healed majority of your wounds."
I sighed then I realised, "Wait did you say unintelligently?"
"Yes.", he said in a casual tone.
" I had a better chance then you did, obviously. If you had taken the blast you'd be dead, " I laughed to myself, "and how would the world survive without Damian Wayne."
"I assume it never would progress efficiently without me, however if you had died I would have died shortly after informing your father."
I started laughing however it quickly turned to coughs.
Damian grimaced and reached for something I couldn't see. He brought a cup to my mouth which was filled with water.
"Where on earth did you find a cup?"
"Do you recall the duffel bag I had brought?"
"The one I said was stupid?"
"Yes, the bag held survival equipment to be used in the event of us becoming stranded. Do you continue to deem it unintelligent?"
"Fine you were right as always", I rolled my eyes.
" Obviously,  Now drink."
He held my back bringing me forward to drink, tilting the cup for my convenience. I drank and moved my head away to signal that I was done.
"Thank you , Damian."
"Do not thank me.. It was my fault all of this had happened. When the Brain and Mala attacked I should have contacted you, but I had wanted to prove I could easily overpower them however it seems I was terribly incorrect."

He looked slightly uncomfortable, "For that I to ask your forgiveness."

"Damian look at me, "he didn't,  so I gritted my teeth and lifted my arm to move his head to look at mine," It doesn't matter what you did,  it's in the past now. I'm okay,  you're okay,  we're okay. That's all that matters. Okay?"
He stared at me for a while as if deciphering what I had said. His dark green eyes stared into my bright ones. We seemed frozen in that moment. Then he spoke unexpectedly.

"You're so good,  Mar'i, " he placed his hand to my cheek,  which I closed my eyes and rubbed my head against enjoying it's warmth,  " so beautiful."
I opened my eyes and was about to question his statement when lips brushed against mine.
Damian. Was. Kissing. Me.
I was momentarily shocked and stared frozen until Damian started to pull away.
"I'm sorry. I don't-",  I pressed my lips against his to silence him. It hurt to lean forward,  to clutch his hand with mine,  to have his body press against mine,  but I bared it because this was my Damian. I had loved him from the time I was 6,  although never really understanding what it was that I felt. I knew now what I felt. I was in love with Damian Wayne and I would bare any pain for him.
I started to lean back and he followed. My back landed on the ground and Damian tried to swing his leg over mine but knocked into mine by accident and I gasped at the sudden pain.
Damian immediately pulled back,  " I'm sorry- are you okay?"
"Yeah Damian fine."
My hand dropped as I tried to catch my breath.
Damian moved off me, " I'm sorry I should have been more considerate to your injuries-"
"Damian I'm fine I'm just.. tired."
Damian sighed, "Yes, yes you should rest."
He was about to get up when I said , " Stay with me..please? "
He stared for a few seconds then lied down, "Okay."
I snuggled up to him,  resting my head on his chest and curling myself to fit his body.
He tensed but then put his arm around me.
"Goodnight Dami..."
"Goodnight Mar'i"
I felt him stroke my hair and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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