Chapter 19

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Damians POV

It wasnt an easy thing to do. Watch someone you love walk to their death so certainly.

Stop it! a voice said in my head. I watched as Mari and her mother walked towards the portal to the Watch Tower. Thats where the Space attack would begin for all those who are able to function in space. The attack would be led by Superman and others like Anders, the Green Lanterns, Martian Manhunter, etc. Just before she stepped through the portal, she turned back to me with a small smile. Wait for me, it seemed to say. Or maybe she was just trying to show that she was not afraid. I knew her better than that though, I could see the slight crinkle of her eyebrows showing how worried she was. I nodded to her and made a subtle fist, Have strength.

Her smile widened to show she understood and in the next moment everyone who was meant to go was through. The remainder of the leaguers went of into there zones where other heroes will be waiting to be led into battle. Those with an affinity for flight would be on the outskirts of the zones so that should the attack extend, they would be able to get there fast enough. With the leagues plans, we knew that they would be targeting the Bat-family, but Talia left a note to show that they would not be putting a full effort but would be making it look convincing enough for Citedalians to think that they were on their side. In other words, they would kill if they had to. Citedalian warriors would be accompanying the league in their attack on Gotham from below as soon as they landed, to make sure the alliance stood.

The rest of us headed to our zones to await the return of those who went into space. We stood atop roofs throughout the city. Close enough to see each other, yet so spread out that we needed comms to communicate. There was a thick tension in the air like electricity pulsing through each second. My patience was running thin as the first hour ticked by.

I touched the earpiece and said, "They should be back by now."

Lian answered, "Maybe they saw an opportunity and took it."

I narrowed my eyes at the sky, not believing that is what happened. Grayson confirmed my unease, "Something doesnt feel right."

I gritted my teeth, trying to will the sky to spit out MarI so that I could see that she was safe and yet it mocked me by not. I couldnt take the suspense, "Nightwing, perhaps we should-"

A loud boom broke the silence. I looked quickly to its direction and saw a streak of blue and red. Superman. He was followed by the others who had gone to space. I felt the tension roll out of me as I saw MarIs familiar purple power streak. They broke off and dived straight to us, like they were supposed to, however MarI headed towards Lian. I looked toward her with confusion. We were paired up, so why was she deviating?

I felt a sudden rush of air and looked up to see Anders flying straight towards me. I rolled out of the way as she crashed straight into the concrete. I felt for the earpiece, Somethings wrong with Starfire.

Batwings voice answered," A Green Lantern dove at me!"

"Martian Manhunter isnt himself"

"Superman has black eyes."

"Whats going on?"

I couldnt process who was saying what with everyone talking on top of each other, but I heard Lian say, with disbelief,"Nightstar attacked me. Theres something attached to her."

My heart beat thumped against my ribcage. I looked up as the dust cleared around Anders, drawing my Katana. She rose from the ground, breathing heavily. I could see her clearly now, her glowing skin dulled as though some of the color had been sucked out, and a menacing pattern of black traced her half her body and face. I saw movement at her hand. A black glob was stuck to her hand and pulsed. When she opened her eyes, they were blank, black, glassy orbs. I shouted, "Starfire, what- "

She burst into action so fast I barely had time to react. She flew at me, her fists glowing with starbolts as she thrust her fists towards my face. I felt the heat from the starbolt as I dodged it. I was on the defense. I may have trained with the league but Starfire was a warrior as well. I didnt want to hurt her, but she had no such reservations for me.

My earpiece emitted static with "Batmans voice, Everyone retreat now!"

I took my eyes from Starfire for a second to look toward MarI who was still in combat with Lian. I looked back just in time to dodge Starfires starbolts and was nearing the edge of the roof. "We shouldnt leave them like this! I call into the earpiece. "

Batmans voice was impatient, "These are some of the most powerful being, not to mention Superman being compromised. This is not up for discussion."

I couldnt dodge all of Starfires starbolts as one hit me right in the shoulder and propelled me off the roof. As I fell, I threw a smoke bomb and shot a grappling hook towards the adjacent building. I ducked behind the building and snuck a glance towards KorI, who blew up a dust bin in search of me.

I turned my back to her and made towards where I knew Mar'I and Lian were. It was almost and unconscious decision, before I even knew I was heading there, my body instinctively moved towards her.

I was almost there when I collided with someone. I jumped back and drew my katana automatically, but quickly lowered it when I recognized Lian. She was breathing heavily and looked at me with wide eyes, "Where are you going? The safe house is the other way."

I moved to walk past her, "I'm not leaving MarI here."

She grabbed my arm, "Thats idiotic. "

I pull away from her annoyed, "I am not abandoning her."

"Look Romeo, I dont want to leave her either, but shes nuclear right now. She might kill us."

"-TT- I can beat Mari- "

"Not how she is now. That thing could overuse her power, like how she was before on the island. She said she burned those guys. She could that to you if that thing on her makes her. Do you think shed want that?"

I look up to where I could hear MarI flying. I felt conflicted, every fiber in my being wanted me to go to MarI, I belonged by her side. Abandoning her to that thing controlling her felt like a betrayal.

Lian put a hand on my shoulder, "We'll come back for her."

I clench my fists and nod at her. We started heading towards the safe house. I promise Ill save you from that thing Mari.

So people who read my fanfiction, I would like to apologize for my overly long gaps between updates. Really, really, really, sorry. Writing block, work stuff and general procrastination does tend to hinder my progress.

Also I would like to thank all loyal Demonfire shippers. I really dislike Damirae because Beast boy and Raven are meant to be. If you ship them no hate tho. Just personal opinion.

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