Chapter 10

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I woke, medically drowsy but conscious enough to think, Where am I?
The first thing I notice is a tug at my wrist, an drip cord, then the rest of my surroundings came into view, I was in a private room in Gotham's best hospital. I buzz for a nurse and one was about to walk in, but Brown stopped her and entered the room herself.
"Morning, Little D."
I would have reprimanded her for the nickname had a sudden thought occurred to me, "Is Mar'i okay?"
She gave me a curious glance before saying slowly, "She's fine, in the other room actually-"
I pulled the standard hospital blankets off me, " I need to see her."
I sung my legs over the bed, but the suddenness of the movement brought a wave of dizzyness and a throb at my head.
Brown gently pushed me back on the bed, "Hey hey, slow down, you survived a bullet wound to the head. Take it easy."
"What?!" I say shocked.
"Wait, I'll call Dick he'll explain everything."
I wait impatiently as Brown leaves the room and brings back Grayson, "How you feeling, Damian?"
"Fine, Grayson, how is Mar'i?"
Grayson also gives me a curious glance and looks at Brown who shrugs, "You're calling her by her first name?"
I hadn't realised the slip and lied to cover, " Would it not sound redundant to say, Grayson, how is Grayson?"
I roll my eyes and this seems to have temporarily sated him, "Mar's fine, she managed to get metallic chromium imbedded in her skin and poisoning her bloodstream, but we managed to get it out. Kori said it affects every Tamaranian differently but Mar'i seems to be a worse case, probably due to her human half. She would have exploded had Kori not absorbed the energy, but she's fine now , be a little weak when she wakes up but fine."
I internally sigh in relief Grayson pulls up a chair and grins, "But you survived a bullet to the head, not bad for  Baby Bat."
I scowl at him," How did I manage to get shot?"
"While we were falling, one of them shot you, grazed you through the side of your head. Kori caught us before we hit the ground by the way."
I sigh and touched the gaze and bandaging at my left side of my head, "Remind me to thank her. Could I see M-Grayson Spawn?"
Brown chirped, "Sure."
And then brought a wheelchair from the corner,"I don't need that."
"Bullet wound , Bat Brat."
In exhale, "Fine"
I reluctantly hop on the wheelchair and Brown pulls me out the room and directly into the next where Mar'i is unconscious on the hospital bed. She looked so peaceful, with her hair splayed out around her head like a inky black pond. But her skin seemed too pale, her golden glow dull.
My focus was primarily set on Mar'i so I didn't notice Mrs Grayson until she asked how I am.
"Fine, thank you for saving me."
Mrs Grayson smiled warmly, " Of course Damian."
"What is the duration of her recovery?"
"It is difficult to determine," Kori answers, "But she will recover, I have herbs from Tamaranian that I pulverized and is neutralising the chromium poisoning currently."
She point to a small IV bag with a purplish liquid in it, connected to Mar'i s skin by a dripcord.
Dick moved to stand next to Kori, "We'll be taking her to Wayne Manor to recover fully today. We wouldn't want to take her back to Blüdhaven just yet."
I nod, the urge to stroke her hair was very apparent, but I wouldn't now, I'll wait until she's recovered and we'll tell them together.
"Can they retrieve my discharge papers as, I cant stand being in this disease pool any longer."
Dick laughed, "Sure."
"Grayson, May I have a word?"
Grayson raised an eyebrow but walked out of the ward followed by me.
"I apologize for these occurrences. I must admit that Mar'i is in her current condition due to foolish actions on my part and-"
Grayson put his hand on my shoulder, "Hey Damian, calm down."
"I am calm."
"You were babbling."
I scowled, " I don't 'babble'. "
Grayson smiled his annoyingly gentle smile, "Whatever happened on that island, it only matters that my two favorite kids are okay."
I felt relief and nodded to show I understood," I'm not a kid,Grayson."
He laughed and ruffled my hair, to which I smacked his hand away, "You'll always be my little brother."
I wondered how he would react to know that his little brother kissed his daughter...

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