Chapter 1

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Mar'i's POV
Years has passed since the night I went to Damian's room. Damian was now 21 and I'm 18.
We were both on a mission on a supposed to be uninhabited island, to stop the Brain and Mousier Mala from selling nuclear weapons. We couldn't wait for nightfall because the deal would be struck at 18.00. Damian and I were in the treeline, looking over the huge warehouse.
Damian crouched, vigilantly observing everyone.
"We should go now, you remember the plan?", I asked.
" -tt- I don't forget anything, Grayson."
"You know I make an effort to call you Robin on missions the least you could do is call me Nightstar or even Night or Star."
He exhaled, "Fine. Nightstar, I do recall the plan."
I knew Damian knew the plan but whether he'd follow it was another story.
"Retell it to me."
He bat glared at me and I batglared back. When in the batfamily the glare almost comes naturally. When I was young I would always shiver under it though.
Damian gave up, "We infiltrate the Brain's hideout and while you set the missiles to explode , I find the database and download all information I can on other bases."
"And if one of us see the Brain or Mousier Mala we contact the other. Okay , Robin?"
He didn't answer me.
"Would you like a megaphone to announce that?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"Fine I understand the plan. Now go."
I nodded and flew under a truck, making sure to stay hidden.
I saw Robin slip into the building through a closing garage door.
The truck drove to the other side of the building.
When the truck finally stopped, I waited for the driver to step out before I rolled out from underneath and stunned him with a starbolt.
I smiled as I observed my surroundings, the truck had lead me right to the missiles.
"Robin, I have located the missiles."
"And what am I supposed to do about that?", he replied.
I huffed, " Never mind, I'm setting them to 5 minutes is that enough time for you to download the files?"
" it enough time for you to get out?"
I smiled for all Damian's rude remarks I knew he cared about me from the night I went to him with my nightmare.
"Yes it's enough time."
I set only one missile, knowing that it would trigger the others.
"Okay Robin timer's set you better get out if there quick."
No answer.
"Robin? This isn't funny."
Nothing. Robin wouldn't have ignored me like this on a mission, something was wrong, I had to look for him.
I flew into the rafters searching for any signs if him, until I came to a room with a huge computer that reminded me of the one in the Batcave. I took a closer look and spotted Robin's earpiece.
I dropped down from the rafters and grabbed the earpiece. It's here but where is my Robin?
"Looking for something?"
I spun around and faced the Brain and Mousier Mala. Mala was holding Damian in his huge hands, whilst Damian struggled to free himself.
"Let him go.", I sneered while lighting a starbolt.
Brain said with his robotic voice box, " Why would we do that?"
I launched of the ground and was about to attack Mala when tendrils of electricity wrapped around my arms and legs sending shockwaves into my body. If I were completely human that would have probably hurt more but I was able to free my arms. Unfortunately the Brain seemed to notice the lack of affect on me the tendrils, "Computer increase power to 100%."
I screamed and plummeted to the ground. Not gonna lie, this stung. The tendrils snaked back up my arms and legs.
Through the haze I heard Robin, "Stop it! I'll tell you what you want to know!"
"No..", I began to struggle against the tendrils once more.
" Computer, increase power to 200."
I let out a shriek, it hurt so much now, even my Tamarian half couldn't stop the pain that coursed through my body. I struggled to breath. I knew if I were a human I would of been dead.
I heard a yell and then a crash and then the tendrils stopped. I collapsed limp on the ground.
"And if you ever touch her again-"
The voice stopped at the sound of me coughing up the blood that had clogged my airways.
I felt arms slip under my knees and back, I tried to struggle away.
"Sshh it's okay it's me Robin look."
I look up to see Robin and relaxed, then immediately tensed.
"Robin-the -the-"
"Sshh it's okay." He took the now useless tendrils of my arms, "these can't hurt you anymore."
His mask eyes widened and he immediatly stood up with me in his arms. Took out his grappling hook and shot it toward the roof and we were on the outside, Robin running with me in his arms.
The sun gave me a boost of power.
I checked my watch we had 10 seconds. I knew Robin wouldn't survive a blast like that. But maybe I would...4.... Robin jumped of the warehouse roof.
3..I floated out of his hold.
2...I flipped over him, before he could react.
1...I put my arms around him.
0.... Everything went black.

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