chapter four

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✨BOOM BOOM BOI✨: hey dumbass wanna go to a water park??

yes, ofc!!!:💞Beautiful dumbass 💞

-That day-

You got up and got ready for the day. "What should I wear?" You think for a second until you got a "smart" idea. "I'll just do eney mini miny moe!" You pick a basic swimsuit and just put shorts on it.

 "I'll just do eney mini miny moe!" You pick a basic swimsuit and just put shorts on it

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You heard a knock on the door.

"Hey bak-"

"Y/N? look hot," Kaminari said winking.

"Thanks, Pikachu." Said winking back.

"Hey dumbass come on." Bakugo said behind Kaminari

"Ooo yay see you later Kaminari." You said waving.

"Bye, my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget!" He turning around

"Why were you flirting with him?" He asked. You could tell he was jealous.

"I wasn't flirting...I was being nice. Something you should try." you reply pushing his shoulder.

"Tch... I am dumbass I just don't care about extras." He said crossing his arm.

"He's not an extra his Kaminari the flirtatious but also stupid Pikachu." You giggled. "Are you jealous?" You said while bumping into his shoulder repeatedly.

"No, he said bumping your shoulder way too hard making you hit a wall.

"Oh I'm so sorry y/n I-." You ran at him jumping on his back covering his eyes with your hand.

"OI DUMBASS I CAN'T SEE!" He yelled, catching you from behind. You removed your hands and wrap your arm gently around his neck hugging him from behind. Burying your face into his neck.

"Tell me when we're there okay." You said close your eyes.

whispering in his ear, he loved your soft, gentle voice. especially when you said his name.

"Okay dumbass." He said softly, you loved when he replied like that, you hugged him tighter.

He chuckled. "You're going to choke me." (Choke me as you hate me but you love me)

"At least it will be love and affection." You said hugging him again. He didn't do anything but you could tell he was blushing.

💥 Bakugo pov 💥

She's so sweet. I just wanna hug her.

"Hey dumbass we're here."

"Oh okay." I didn't want her to move but she did...

We walked in and paid for our tickets. "What do you want to do first?" I asked looking around.

"Let's do that big slide last okay." She said squeezing my arm.

"Okay, do you want to hand glide into the pool?" I asked which made her squeeze my arm tighter. She looked up at me. "I'm scared of heights." She said looking up at me with those beautiful eyes.

"It's okay I'm with you so you won't get hurt," I said patting her head. She ran her fingers in her hair, her glare at me was cute but also terrifying. "Sorry," I said quickly. She nodded and walked to the hand glider. "She pretty thick... " I thought to myself...wait no, no inappropriate thoughts- shit.

Your pov

I turn around to see bakugo blushing, I just looked away.

"Hey, so where are we going to put our stuff?" I asked while looking around for a table.

"Our setup number is 72 right by the big slide." He said pointing to the location. I put my stuff down and I took off my shorts as I turned around I saw Bakugo slowly take off his shirt...✨abs✨ I think to myself.

"You're beginning to drool." He said smirking.

" Yeah, and you have a boner." You reply crossing your arms.

"Oh so your drooling because my dick is big?" He said smirking even more. You jumped back.

"What n-no I- WHAT?? NO... I mean yes your dick is pretty big and you do have nice abs-"

"You're drooling again." He said laughing

"-I am not."




"No!" You said quickly walking to the hand gliders. He laughed even more before following you.

-skip a little-

Your pov

We arrived at the hand gliders I was terrified I looked down to see the huge pool and a bunch of people watching us. "I can't do this," I said looking at Bakugo. He looked at me grabbing my shoulders. "You can do this." He said walking over to the hand glider.

I put my hand on the high glider and I stepped back running full speed ahead screaming at the top of my lungs. I did a front flip and I landed right in the pool. I turned around to see Bakugo running and screaming as well. He did a backflip and jumped close to me.

"I did it!" I yelled.

"You did it!" He said smiling hugely. Wow, the first time he smiled like that...I hugged him tightly, he lifted me spinning me in the water.

-skip time to big slide lol-

You started jumping up and down getting excited. Bakugo grabbing your shoulders, you looked confused. He got close to your ear.

"When you jump like that your boobs bounce." He said backing up, looking at me up and down. You looked down in embarrassment.."I do that all the time..." you thought to yourself.

He gently grabbed your chin and Raised it. "It's okay just only do that when we're alone." He smirked, you jump back blushing covering your face.

"It's your turn dumbass."

"Oh right..yay!" You say screaming happily down the long narrowed slide. Bakugo went after, screaming happily as well.

-skip time: he walked you home and you got ready for bed- btw got this idea from stockholymesyndrome thank you so much!! Read her Dabi x reader it's really good!-

Your pov

I got out of the shower with only a towel on, I walked into my room to see burnt boy looking around.

"What the fuck do you want dick head." You said grabbing your clothes.

"That's no way to talk to your friend. He said walking towards you.

"We're not friends Dabi now get out." You say opening your bedroom door.

"Now now little mouse doesn't be rude, I just want to talk." He said slamming the bedroom door.

"About?" You stood there pissed. He slammed his hand above your head getting closer to you." that boy uhh what is it ahh Bakugo is it."

"What about him." You say trying to move.

"You can date whoever you want but just know if he hurts you his dead got that mouse." He said getting closer to your lips. You nod your head, he gently picked up your chin and kissed you passionately. Your eyes got wide as he let go.

"Your mine little mouse." He said hugging you.

"Okay Dabi." You softly said. He was gone, you slid down to the floor crying until you went to sleep.

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