chapter 35

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As you made your way to your bed, you slowly wrapped around Katsuki, spooning him. "Teddy bear, I want you to never leave my side," he said, moving around to face you. "Katsuki I-"

"Promise me." his soft voice whispered in your ear as he cupped your face. Silently you nodded your head, kissing your forehead he smiled. Cuddling in your arms as you closed your eyes.

As you slowly opened your eyes, you could see Katsuki scattered across the bed, slowly moving his foot off of you. Trying to get up, he wakes up asking you to stay. "It's okay, everything is fine. Do you want something to drink?" you said, slightly laying down, playing with his hair. He shook his head, grabbing your shirt, tugging it. "I gotta use the restroom real quick, I'll be right back," you whispered, kissing his forehead as he lay back down. "No," he whispered back, reaching for your hand. "It's okay, it's okay," you said, once more as he nodded laying back down. You were used to this when getting up in the middle of the night, but you loved it. Walking to the table, you grabbed your 'Dream box'. No one told you that when getting older the dreams just get worse. Now feeling the pain, the realization, the confusion, and the waking up to sweating and screaming. Going to the patio, you light your lighter hearing the cars zoom past you. Enjoying the scenery you smoked your blunt, Katsuki walking to you. "Hey, you okay?" you asked as he pulled a chair out. The chair having no arms, he laid down hugging your torso. "Baby?" you asked, hearing his quiet snores. Giggling you finished your blunt, you slowly fell asleep in your chair.

Wake up

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Wake up...wake up.. hey...WAKE UP!...wake up...wake up-

As you turned off your alarm, you woke up Katsuki. Getting up he slowly hugged you, smiling into your Beautiful e/c. "What?" you asked, smiling back. As he got up, kissing you. "You need to do the bridesmaid shopping," he said, getting up to make breakfast. "Yeah, we were going to leave around 11 am," you said, helping with the eggs. "You need to leave around 2 pm for yours," you added, missing being his assistant. "I miss my personal assistant," he said, pulling you in. "No you just miss sneaking out of your meetings to kiss me," you said, as he pullings you to his lips, roughly kissing you. "Yes, but there was more." he winked at you, kissing. Hearing his phone, he tried to ignore it. Taking it out of his pocket, you saw the contact name as important, knowing it was about saving people you stopped, answering it. "Mrs. Bakugo." you smiled, looking at the smirk on his face as he kisses you again. "Of course, I will let him know," you said, hanging up. "Okay number one hero, go save some people," you said, telling the location and kissing him one last time. "Wish me luck." he said, "Does Katsuki Bakugo really need my luck, the number one hero," you said, giggling. "Tch, I love you," he said, smiling as you said it back. Shutting the door, you screamed good luck hearing him chuckle as he left.

Hearing the door shut you looked at the time 9:23 am nodding and grabbed your phone and walked out. Heading to the car, you felt the blood boiling in your body. Driving faster than usual you soon arrived at your location. Your e/c eyes looked at the black, worn-out door, you slowly opened it, not seeing the LOV but instead your past coming to haunt you. Walking past the bar you remembered the good times of Dabi, Twice, and you but also the bad times. You slowly touched the chair by the bar...

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