chapter eighteen

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It's Dec 18th, a month of you and Bakugo dating. You, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Sero, and Bakugo all planned to go on a trip to the cabins. It was the day of Christmas break, sadly you still had to go to school but hey it was just today then a whole month off. You got your uniform on and walked out the door with Bakugo. You held his hand and got to school.

You went to your locker and got everything you needed. "Hey buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget!" you turned around to see Denki's huge smile. "Hey!" you said. "Are you ready for the trip?" he said, walking with you to class. "yes ! i'm really excited." you said sitting down.

You got out your studies and started looking through, getting ready for the exams. Mr. Aizawa soon walked. "Okay 5 minutes of studying, then the exams will start." He said, looking through the grade book. He called out everyone's name, to find everyone here. We soon started the exams.

-after school-

You barely passed your exams..."maybe being a hero isn't my thing." you said, slapping your forehead.

"why do you say that?" Bakugo asked, grabbing both of your hands.

"I can barely pass my exams and I don't really care for this hero and villain shit." you said, looking down.

He lifted your chin. "Then what do you love doing."

"I like baking..i wanted to open up a bakery but.." "then do it!" he replied, you looked into his eyes to see sharkles..happiness. He really did believe in you!

"Really?!" you were getting excited.

" of course I will be the number one hero and you can open up a famous bakery that everyone loves." he said, picking me up and spinning me around. You kissed him, smiling at his cute adorable face.

Soon after arriving home, you and Bakugo went to y'alls rooms and started packing. You got down and headed down stairs. "You got everything?" Bakugo asked, hugging you. "Yeah i think so." you said, kissing him. You heard honking from outside. You hugged Mitsuki and Masaru and walked to the car, holding your bags. "Here i'll get those." kirishima said, taking your bags and putting them in the trunk. "Thanks, that's very manly of you." you said, smiling, he blushed and grabbed Bakugo's bags.

You looked inside the car to see Sero in the front, Mina was sitting by the window, and Denki was sitting in the middle. He winked at you and patted on the set. "Tch." Bakugo said getting in and sitting you on his lap. You winked back at Denki. The car started to move and you already felt tired. "Hey can i lay down on y'all?" you asked.

They didn't care and you started to move around. "Oi dumbass!" Bakugo said stopping you from moving. You moved and sat on Denki's lap, making Denki blush.

"Oi what the hell!" Bakugo yelled, moving you to him and placing your head on his shoulder. Denki grabbed your foot and placed them on his lap, soon putting his head on Mina's shoulders.

Mins placed her head on the window, drifting to sleep. Soon everyone was asleep, except you and kirishima. You got in your pocket and got out your blunt and lighter. Kirishima soon saw it and smirked..."So.." his smirk curved wickedly. You smirked back at him. "Shh." you said, lighting the blunt. He rolled down the window and you handed it to him. You and him were laughing and jamming out.

"Shh you're gonna wake up Bakugo." you said, laughing.

"Shh you're gonna wake up everyone." he said, laughing even more. Bakugo started to wake up, you were too busy laughing to notice. "Ohh boom boom man is awake." you and kirishima started to laugh even more. You turned around and buried Bakugo's head in your chest. You played with his hair. "Dumbass, I'm gonna fall asleep." he softly said. You stopped to him looking up at you, you kissed him and cuddled with him some more. You, Kirishima, and Bakugo were all laughing and having a good time, soon Denki woke up. You got up and whipped the drool off his face. You smiled, making Denki smile as well.

"Hi Sleepy head." you said, fixing his hair.

"Good morning is it tomorrow?" he asked, looking around.

"No we have been on the road for about three hours now." you said.

"Ohh so two more hours?" he asked, laying back down.

"Here Bakugo sit in my lap." you said. He looked at you weird but did what you said. "You're not that heavy." you said.. "Tch..whatever dumbass." he said. You put Denki's head on your shoulder and played with his hair. "You're so comfy," he said, making you giggle. "No far I want to be cuddled by y/n." Kirishima whined. You giggled. "Maybe later" you said. You looked down to see Denki asleep.

Bakugo pulled up back, burying his face into your chest. You played with his hair, drifting off to sleep. You got woken up by Mina. "hey what do you want from Taco bell?" she asked, fixing your hair. "A bean and cheese burrito." you said. Soon everyone came back with the food. Everyone ate and in the car and continued to drive. You finished your taco and fell back into Bakugo's arms. He kissed your forehead and played with your hair. "I love you Teddy bear." he whispered, as you fell asleep.

You wake up on a bed..a cozy...silky...bed. You passed out again.

💥Bakugo's pov💥

I walked in to see y/n still asleep, I unpacked her stuff along with mine. Everyone went to bed, I slowly got into bed and cuddled with her. The smell of her perfume...I hugged her tighter. "I don't ever want to lose you." I said.

She turned to me and hugged me, she was still asleep. I kissed her forehead, she slowly hugged me tighter, both us going to bed. 

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