every happy thing has to end

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You cupped his face, kissing his forehead. "Hey teddy bear, it's okay.. I'm old! It happens." he managed to smile. You nodded. "I just don't want to lose you." you said, tears flowing down. "Hey, hey I'm 95...this happens." he whipped away your tears. "But-" "shh.. just kiss me, dumbass." he said, you slowly kissed him. "You never changed, over 78 years." you said, your smile weaker than any other smile. You could see him suffering. "Katsuki, I love you okay." you said, holding his skinny, pale hands, you felt his cold touch. You could see his blue veins through his skin, you grabbed his hand, gently squeezing it. "I love you too y/n." he said, puckering his lips, you kissed him. Tears falling on his cheek, you didn't stop. You kissed even harder not wanting to let him go. "Teddy bear?" he asked, cupping your face. "Yes?" you said, tears falling down even more. "Can you cuddle with me one last time please." he said, slowly moving. You nodded curling up to him. "This gives me memories." he said, kissing your forehead, struggling in the process, you couldn't bear it, you moved your head closer to his lips. "R- remember when...... we got pulled over and y-you were super stoned?" he asked, he managed to show a smile. "Yes baby." you said, smiling at him. "I never asked you what your biggest fear is?" he asked, trying to look at you. Your tears wouldn't let you speak, but you owed him this question. "To lose you." you softly said, slowly cupping his face "I'm sorry for leaving you y/n." he said, you kissed his head. "It was an amazing 78 years." you said, smiling. He soon let you cry even more, he struggled to move his hand to your face, he kissed you. You cried through the kissing, wishing you could die with him too.

"Promise me when i'm gone you'll tell Deku." he said, your eyes widened but you nodded. "I promise." ... "good." he said, kissing you one last time. A couple of hours went by of the both of you telling stories. Some of them he couldn't remember but he still listened to you, laughing with you, crying with you. He struggled so much, you hated to see him suffer just to last a little longer for you. "Baby may I go now?" he asked, trying to squeeze your hand, but couldn't. You nodded, "I love you teddy bear." he said, closing his eyes. "I love you too."

".... Please don't leave me...."
"I don't want to be all alone."

You stayed there cuddled close to him, his heart beat going slower but the minute. You started to cry but made yourself stop, you knew this wasn't the time. You whispered sweet nothing in his ears. "You're my everything." you said, before you heard beep..

💞Beautiful dumbass💞 :Walk with me please...

"Fine only bc i wanna protect you."
"Awe you care."
"of course I do s-shut up dumbass"
"what did you say?"
"mmm duuumbaaas stop."
"B-bakugo your face is in my uhh-"
"Your shirt" he said, you could see him smile.
"No my boobs"
"Shh you have a t-shirt on."
"Are you ready!" you asked, lighting yours and his at the same time, holding it up to the sky. You put your higher so he could read it.


His eyes started to water, he dropped everything and hugged you. "Bakugo are you crying?" you asked. "Yes dumbass." he said, you squeezed him. "I didn't mean to make you cry." you said, he kissed you, picking you up. "I'm in love with you y/n." he said, kissing you. "I love you." you said, panting through his gentle kisses. "Marry me." he said, looking into your eyes. "Katsuki."
"Bakugo! Hey! It's alright! You yelled.

He kept screaming, starting to cry.

"Bakugo it's alright! He slowly stopped screaming, squeezing you in the hug. "It's alright." He finally stopped screaming, crying even more.

"It's okay." You buried your head in his neck. "It- it was just a dream?" He said, slowly looking at you in his arms.

You nodded hugging him tighter. "Just a dream." You said, kissing him passionately.
laying between your legs as you played with his hair. "Do you think we can be forever?" he said, kissing your thigh. "I hope so." you said. He got up and faced you, kissing you. "Promise me we'll be forever." he said, grabbing your hand, you put down your champain and took his other hand. "I promise baby." you said, he kissed you.
You slowly crawled over him, turning it off. You cried in his arms, feeling his touch get cold. "You....were.....more....than....my.....everything." you managed to say while crying, you could barely breathe. You soon got up and got the nurse, her pulling his dead body makes you want to scream. You slowly walked out of the hospital, the feeling of eyes following you. You slowly got in the car, soon hitting the wheel. Tears flowing down your face, you screamed. "Fuck you, for making me care!" you said, starting the car. "The best thing in my 78 years and I lost it." you said, beginning to drive.

You unlocked the door and greeted the dogs, they also felt your pain. You soon called Deku, hearing him sub made you weak, you cried with him, soon hanging up and passing the dogs. They followed you to the bed room, as you got Katsuki's pillows and piled them beside you, spraying his cologne closing your eyes. you didn't care if you had a nightmare, you just wanted to feel something other than pain...fear.

You soon woke, "Katsuki?" your eyes widen as you saw him, he was younger, 17...the year y'all met. "Hey teddy bear." he said, cuddling you. You looked around. "My room." you said, smiling at him, you looked at your hands. "Im younger." you giggled. "Like music to my ears." he said, you placed your head on his forehead. The sun went through the curtains, you smiled even wider. "I want you to be forever...." he said, kissing you. You smiled, "I did promise you didn't I?" you kissed even harder, panting through kisses. "Don't leave me." you whispered. "I never left you teddy bear." he said, pulling you close. "This is our forever." he said, kissing your forehead. He cupped your face with his hands, your forehead on his. You grabbed his hands, his hands still on your face....the both of you smiling.

"This is our forever."

(Yeah I'm crying too and sorry for coping so many words I wanted y'all to picture it like a movie :)) it's been a fun ride y'all... Good bye :))

Other books - hawks x reader fly away with me.

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