chapter 30

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You nodded and he walked you to Mina's. You smiled and said your goodbyes, as you grabbed your bag you realized you needed more clothes so you took your bag and went to Katsuki's. As you walked to his house, you knew it was going to be awkward. As you knocked on the door, Katsuki opened it. His eyes widened and asked what's up. "Do you want me to move out?" you asked, looking down. "It's whatever you want." he said, moving so you can come in. "uh can I just stay here?" you asked, he smiled. "Really?" he asked, walking with you to your room. "If that's not too much." you said, opening your door. "Yeah, I would actually love it if you come back home." his words scared you, but you turned around smiling at him anyway. "Thank you!" you said. "Sorry if your bed isn't made....I slept in it last night." he said, quietly. You giggled and hugged him. "I've missed you." you said, kissing his cheek. "I've missed you too Dumbass." he said, looking away, a sign he was blushing. You soon kicked him out so you could get ready for Monoma's date. Well you didn't want to admit that but hey come one you know damn well it's gonna be a date. You were also glad it wasn't awkward for Katsuki and you anymore, as you felt that you moved on and that Katsuki was just your friend now.

 You were also glad it wasn't awkward for Katsuki and you anymore, as you felt that you moved on and that Katsuki was just your friend now

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You soon walked out of your room and went down stairs, seeing Katsuki on the couch. "I'm heading out." you said, making Katsuki turn around. "Damn." he whispered, as you put on your white nikes. "What?" you asked, walking over to him. He quickly grabbed a pillow and put it over his lap. "Nothing, want me to go with you?" he asked, as you sat next to him. "Nope, I'm just waiting." you said, staring at the pillow. "" he said, looking away. "Yup." you said, getting closer to him. "So uh you look pretty." he said, making eye contact. "Thank you." you said, slowly got closer to him. "So why the pillow?" you asked, slowly grabbing it. "Just there." he said, staring into your y/ec eyes. Before you could do anything else, there was a knock on the door. "Okay well I'll see you later tonight." you said, getting up and walking to the door. "Hey Monoma." you said, smiling. "Monoma!?" Katsuki asked, not he couldn't get up because of uhh yeah... "y/n, you look stunning." he said, taking your hand. You waved at Katsuki, walking out with Monoma. "Where are we going?" you asked, his blue diamond eyes staring into yours. "I'm taking you out to a beautiful resistant." he said, pulling you closer to him, as the two of you held hands. You felt happy spending time with Monoma, laughing and smiling as Monoma spun you around. "You're so amazing." he said, pulling you close to him. "T-thank you." you said, hiding your flattered state. "Stop hiding your face." he said, cupping yours. 

His eyes trapped you into his gaze, his face got closer to your. As he got closer to your lips, he soon got to your ear, whispering. "I want to make you mine." He said as he opened the door, letting you walk in first. You looked around in awe, the place had fairy lights everywhere. The wood being reddish brown, the tables and chairs being glossed. He walked over to the waiter in her booth looking thing. "Hi welcome!" She said, her smile shined. "Yes, Monoma." he said, grabbing your hand, as she walked over to your table. "Here you go." she said, smiling once more before walking off. You smiled as you continued to look around. "You like it?" Monoma asked, looking around with you. "I love it." you said, looking back at him. His smile, making your heart skip a beat. "I'm glad." he said, as a different waiter walked up. "Hello, I'll be your waiter Hanna. Here are your menus, I'll be back shortly." she said, walking away. You watched as Monoma stared at her, you thought he was probably staring at her ass. You rolled your eyes, looking away. "I wasn't staring at her ass, you know." he said, making you jump. "fucking witch!?" you thought to yourself. "I was staring at her hair, the red highlights." he said, looking at you. "I'm sor-" "No I get it." he said, his hand touched yours. "But y/n I really like you, so no I wasn't staring at her ass." he said, crossing his arms. "And have yours anyways." that made you cringe. "The fuck, no." you said to yourself. You grabbed your menu, judging him through it. "Hi, what can I get you?" Hanna asked, as Monoma looked at you. "Yes, I would like the Sashimi with a sweet tea." you said, looking back at Monoma.

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