chapter 27

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March 6th

(i wanted to do something where you fight todoroki but i didn't know how to but i think i got an idea!)

Today was the fighting contest or the battle royale, which you fought one person to person until hitting the finals... where you will be crowned Victorian. You were nervous knowing that so many pro heroes were going to be there, judging you. You didn't care if you won or lost, you cared if Bakugo was going to be acknowledged. You wanted his dreams to come true! You wanted to see him succeed, see him smile, the jubilation on his face when he finds out he will be the best hero he always wanted to be.

You went down stairs and started breakfast, even though it was only 6am. But you knew you would probably fuck something up, you placed out everything you needed, planing to make French toast and bacon. You got a bowl and the ingredients, eggs, cinnamon, and milk. After mixing together, you buttered up the pan and turned on the stove. Dipping the bread in the mix and putting it on the pan, soon getting out the bacon and cooking it. You were half way done and surprisingly everything is going great. You looked at the look '7am, okay let's start the hot coco.' you heard Bakugo's alarm clock, you tried the food and it tasted delicious. "Fuck yes!" you whispered to yourself before making a plate. You got the hot cocoa putting the littlest of instant coffee. "Good morning dumbass." he said, hugging you from behind. "Good morning, your breakfast and hot coco is on the table." you said, making Mitsuki's and Masaru's plate, before turning everything off. He kissed your head and grabbed his food, placing it on the counter. "I want to be closer to you." his tired voice made your heart drop. "Okay baby." you whispered, smiling. "What happened to coffee?" he asked, taking another sip. "Today is the Fighting festival and coffee is bad for you!" you asked, pouring Masaru's cup with actual coffee. "That's not far," he said. "Hush and eat your food." you said. "Good morning." Mitsuki said, Masaru soon walked in.

"Good morning!" you said, handing them their plates and coffee. "Awe thank you." Mitsuki said, hugging you. "That's very generous of you y/n, thank you." Masaru said, sitting next to his wife. "Of course." you said, smiling. You grabbed your plate and ate next to Katsuki, "imma go get ready okay." he said, kissing your head one last time. "Okay." you said, nodding. You soon got done and went straight to the dishes, Mitsuki was saying goodbye to Masaru. When done she walked over to you and took over. "It's okay, go get ready for school." She said, shoeing you away. You nodded and went upstairs.


Katsuki was waiting for you by the door, you grabbed your bag and walked out, waving bye to Mitsuki. "Are you going to win?" he asked, his expression was plain. Like he thought you could really answer that, "I can try but it's Todoroki." you said, looking down. "Give them your all." he said, looking up from the ground. The eye contact was intercede, you could tell he was serious. "I will." you said. "Okay." he replied, putting his fingers between mine.

When arriving at school you saw everyone outside. "Hey guys." you said, trying not show fear. "y/n-chan!" Deku said, running up to you. "Midoriya, good morning may i have a moment." he asked, walking away. You and Katsuki looked at each other, soon following them...

"Your reminded me of someone." Todoroki said. "Uhh you think?" Deku said, his face was a nervous wreck. "It was like All Might's." ... "I don't quite understand. You and Katsuki looked at each other Listening closer. "I- I guess i'm trying to ask.. Are you All Might's secret love child?" Todoroki said. You quickly covered your mouth. "Shh dumbass." Katsuki whispered. "Am...Trying." you said, biting your lip. "W-what no! I mean I understand if you don't believe me but I'm telling the truth." Deku said, waving his arms around. "If you were I would have to beat you. I will win this without using my left side. You know my dad Endeavor, he bought my mom's parents' approval. Just so he could make the 'best' hero. He is a very stubborn, horrible man. Even my mom couldn't stand me, pouring boiling water on my face." He said, showing more of his scare. "Todoroki I'm not going to lose!" Deku said, walking away. Katsuki nodded his head and left. "Are you coming?" he whispered. "Just go without me, i need to tie my shoe." you said, he left, you bent down tying your shoe. "y/n?" you heard, jumping. "Uhh Todoroki..W-what a surprise." you said, looking around. He looked at you with anger, the first time you've ever seen that. "y/n." his voice softened. His angry look went away. "I'm so sorry Todoroki I didn't mean to eavesdrop." you said, flittering with your fingers. He walked closer to you, your blood ran cold. He stood in front of you, you could barely feel his breath. "y/n." He said, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Y-yes." you looked at the ground, before he tightened his grip, pulling you into a hug. "I don't want to hurt you but I will win." he said, squeezing you. You slowly untensed your body, relaxing in his arms. "I understand Shoto but it's not going to be easy." you said, trying to comfort him. "Good, Just don't give me nightmares." he chucked, this was the first time you heard that. You tighten your hug and slowly bend his stance, playing with his hair. "I promise." you said, giggling before letting go. "y/n, I'm sorry but can you do that just more time?" he asked, hiding his blush. You giggled while standing on your tippy toes, you began playing with his hair. "Thank you." he said, as you nodded and walked off.

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