chapter 26

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just in case

just in case

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December 20

"Holy shit!" you said, grabbing your stuff. "Katsuki get the fuck up!" you said, throwing your hoodie at him. "FUCKING DUMBASS!" he yelled, throwing a pillow over his head. "It's three in the afternoon and we have to go to the secret Santa today. So get dressed so you can go to the mall." you said, walking to the ladder. "Hey dumbass." he said, grabbing your wrist. You smiled and kissed his forehead. "Now get ready." you said, going down the ladder. "I wanted lip kisses!" he yelled. "Then get down here!" you said, walking away. "Dumbass!" he yelled, rushing down the ladder. "You're gonna hurt yourself." you said, opening the car door. "Shut up." He said, running up to you. He got beside you and put his arm out, stopping you. He pulled you close to him, his lips an inch away from your. "Dumbass." he whispered, kissing you.

"Get in the car lover boy." you said, moving his hand. He smirked and walked around, soon opening the car and getting in. "Okay, I already know what I'm getting Kouda, so when you get inside we split up and meet by the car." you explained, driving to the easiest mall. "But dumbass I don't want to split up." he said, pouting. "It will be faster than why." you said, putting your hand on his knee. "Yeah but what if some flirts with you." he said, quietly. "No one will and if so I'll just walk away." you said, squeezing his knee while turning into the mall parking lot. "Okay." he said, placing his hand between your thighs. "Okay." you smiled, kissing him before getting out.

You walked in and went straight to the pet shop.

💥Bakugo's pov💥

I went straight to the bookstore, I knew exactly what to get Deku. I walked in trying to find a notebook with all might printed all over it. I found the perfect one.

"Stupid deku better like this." I thought to myself. Before turning around and seeing todoroki.

"Hey." He said, in his stupid boring voice. "Hi." I said. "So you got midoriya?" He asked. "Yes." I said, crossing my arms. "Where's y/n?" He asked, looking around. "Why do you wanna know?" I growled. "Because I have her for secret Santa." He said, plainly. "Oh uh I don't know we splited up." I said. "Oh she's single? He asked, hiding his smirk. "Oi! I'll beat your ass! And no I met we splitted up making shopping faster." I said, grabbing the collar of his shirt. "Okay." He said, getting down and walking away.

Your pov

"I need at least three different pet foods, maybe then squirrel! Maybe even something for a deer." I thought so myself. "Y/n" I heard, a very soothing and deep tone. "Ohh hi Shoto." I said. "You didn't even turn around." He said. I turned around and smiled, seeing a slight blush from him. "Shoto, I know your voice. It's very... soothing." I giggled. "Thank you, that's very generous of you." He said, his smile looked fake but I knew that was his actual smile.

"What are you going to buy kouda?" He asked, looking next to me. "Who told you?" I asked, looking with him. "I mean you're by the animal food." He asked, handing me a bag. "Should I get him a camera?" I asked, he looked at me kinda confused. "Well you could but that might be overbore." He said. "Yeah you're right." I said, walking to the cashier. "I did see him with a Polaroid camera, so get him some films." He suggested. "That's a great idea." I said, jumping into his arms for a hug. "Thank you!" I could see the blush on his face. "Do you need any help?" I asked, walking to the technology store. "No am okay." He said, with that faint but cute smile. "Okay Shoto! I'll see you later!" I said, walking off. "Okay." He said, turning around.

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