twenty two

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You woke up to Bakugo packing his things. "Hey." you said, Getting up. "He looks mad." you thought to yourself.

💥Bakugo pov💥

I woke up to y/n outside, someone with her. Dabi! I tried to listen but I couldn't hear. She turned around, she looked pissed. I ran back to the bed and acted like I was asleep. I could hear her mumbling to herself. "Stupid ass btich!" wow she's mad, never heard this from her. "Fuck him and his little pet names..little mouse, ohh mouse, come here mouse. Bitch I swear, say it again."

I was shocked to see her like this, but kinda turned on at the same time. "I should turn into an assassin and just kill villains at this point." she laid in bed, soon going to sleep. I could sleep after that, thoughts surrounded my head.

"So why was Dabi here late at night?" I wasn't even mad, just curious. She didn't look at me weird. "He wants me to assassinate someone." she says, continuing to pack her stuff. "Why aren't you freaking out." I asked.

Your pov

"Because it's a villain I'm killing." I lied, saldy he believed it. I got my stuff and put it in the trunk.

We hit the road again, listening to music, falling asleep.

-5 hours later.-

You and Bakugo got the car, the sound of the front door slamming open. "Y/n!" Mitsuki said, hugging you and Bakugo. "Hey old hag." She hit that back of his head. "Hi." You said, smiling at Masaru. You opened your hands, soon everyone was in a group hug. "Can I join that." Denki asked, getting out the car. "Don't you dare!" Bakugo said, giving him a death stare.

You and Bakugo soon unpacked. "Hey baby." He said, seeing what you were doing. You smiled. "Wanna look at some photos with me?" You asked. You scooted over on the bed, plattin the empty spot. He sat down and looked at you family photos. "Is that you?" He asked. "Yeah, I was a fat baby." You said. "Cute one too." He said, smiling. Making your heart skip a beat? You smiled as big as you could, he pinched your cheek lightly and kissed you.

You jumped in his arms, soon cuddling. Your face buried in his chest. "Baby, I don't care if you assassinate someone just don't get caught...nor hurt!" He said, hugging you. You squeezed him. "I'm not gonna get hurt." You said, kissing him. The both of you cuddled for a little while.

Bakugo gently ran his fingers through your hair. "I don't ever wanna lose you Teddy bear, I know I can be a-" you stopped him, kissing passionately. "Mmm duuumbaaas let me finish." You giggled, kissing even more. "I promise I'll never leave you." You said, your hand cupping his face. He nodded and smiled, spooning you from behind.

You slowly fell asleep in his arms, that is until you heard your phone ring. You reach out and answered. "Hey?"

"I found the address."

"Okay meet at the abandoned hospital." you said, hanging up. You got up and kissed Bakugo, "i need to get ready." you said, getting dressed.

You walked out quietly to the location

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You walked out quietly to the location. You walked in and looked around, heading straight underground. You soon found Dabi there waiting for you and... shigaraki.

"Ah she finally came." he said, walking up to you.

"Just give me the location to kill her." you said, cold heartedly.

"Now little mouse." he said, handing you the location. Shigaraki handed you a sniper and walked off. "Nice to see you y/n." he said.

"You look good." Dabi said, pulling you close to him. You slapped him, pissed.

"If you're making me kill someone who should have already died!" you screamed, you felt the angry boil. "Why do i have to kill her, you knew how emotional it was to kill her!" you screamed even louder, tears falling down as you dropped to the floor. Dabi tried to touch you but you pushed him away.

"Little mouse-" his voice made your blood boil even more.

"You listen here, after this shit we're never talking again. Im am stranger, and if you don't leave me only I'll kill you." your voice was serious. "I won't hesitate bitch." (haha vine was amazing!) you stood up and walked away, seeing the shoke in his face. You turned around and grabbed your hand gun from the band of your shirt. You pointed it to his leg and pulled the trigger. The bullet going through his leg and the wall. "Consider that a warning." you said walking off.

"That was more like a war." he said, surprisingly calm. "Yeah that too." you said. You walked outside and put the gsp in your phone. You pass Shigaraki, shoot him in the shoulder. You had no sympathy, you kinda dreamed for this moment. "What the HELL!" you heard him scream, your smirk wicked. You walked over to a swear opening and got in, walking to the location. You put your hood up, passing villains. Some you knew actually, you didn't make many eye contact. You soon arrived and looked around, you spotted a high church tower. You got up and pointed your sniper, waiting patiently. You saw her..."wait that's not her?" you said, calling Dabi. "Little mouse here to say sorry."

"This is her daughter or sister, this isn't her." you said. "No it is." he said, so you sent him a picture. "That's not her." you said, rolling your eyes. "Okay fine maybe i wanted you to kill a hero for me." he said. "Dabi... I'm going to kill you." you said. "Something you haven't already tried." he said, you hung up. You went home to Bakugo asleep, you got in bed and fell asleep with him in your arms.

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