chapter sixteen

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You got up to the sound of your alarm. You got dressed and shortly afterward woke up Bakugo. He slowly got dressed and walked home to get his uniform. 

You, Mitsuki, and Masaru quickly and quietly got all the boxes and furniture and moved to your bedroom.

You soon called the house owners and told them you were leaving, they understood and put the house back on sale.

(That's not how that works but... imagination)

You stood by your new bedroom. 

"Hey dumbass?" Bakugo said, coming out of his room. -his door was right across from yours.-

"How do you like my new room?" You asked, smiling and jumping around

"Well when you start unpacking it will look better....more official." He replied, leaning his back on the wall. You smiled soon grabbing his hand so y'all could head to school.

-At school-

You and Bakugo walked into class and sat down

"So any updates?" Mina asked.

"Yeah we're dating." You said, smiling.

Denki started to choke on his water. "W-what?!" He yelled, coughing.

"Yeah, I'm really happy guys." You said.

"Y'all make a really cute couple!" Mina said.

"Thank you!" 

💥Bakugo pov💥

"We're dating." I said, sitting down.

"Really man what happened." Kirishima said.

"I kissed her." I said.

Kirishima was quiet. "I thought we agreed on words bro."

"Shut up! It doesn't matter!" I yelled, soon looking around to see if y/n heard that.

Then Mr. Aizawa walked in and class started.

After school I walked up to y/n to walk home together.

"Do you need help unpacking?" I asked.

"No I think I got it but I need to meet someone later so.." she looked at the ground.

"Oh okay just don't get hurt." I said, she's refusing to make eye contact... "what's up?" I thought to myself, before arriving at the door.

Your pov

I walked in and went straight to my room, unpacking everything. First I put my clothes in my dresser and closet. Hanging up my metal and anime posters. 

I went to my desk and set up my games and computer. I soon put up my manga and anime figures on my bookshelf.

"All done!" I said to myself, dusting my hands off.

"Nice room dumbass." Bakugo said.

He hugged me from behind, making me blush. I turned around and kissed his cheek.

I started to get my stuff to meet up with someone. "I'll see you later tonight." I said, walking away with my bag.

"Wait." He said, pulling me into a deep kiss, making my legs week. "Please be safe." He seemed worried.

"I will! See you later dumbass." I said walking down stairs.

"I'm not the dumbass you're the dumbass!" He yelled while I walked out the door.

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