Chapter 31

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As the both of you walked in, you looked at the high chairs. "Fine." he said, making you smile. You hopped on the seat turning to Katsuki. He looked away, making you worried. "Are you okay?" you asked, looking behind him. "Yes." he quickly replied, blocking your view. "Oh okay." you said, looking away. You wanted to know what he was looking at, you tired looking again but the waiter stopped you. "Hi what can I get for you two." he asked, his smile made you feel uncomfortable. As his eyes meet your, as you felt your life end right then and there. "We will get the spicey roman." you said, trying not to look worried. "Drinks?" he asked, making you look at Katsuki. You didn't want to talk anymore. "(y/fd) and a sprike." he said, looking at you with worry in his eyes. "Okay coming right up." he said, smiling as he looked away. "I don't like him." you said, laughing. Your laugh got a little too loud, as you thought "I'm probably going to die tonight!" "with the guy following me and this bitch." you looked at Katsuki, crying from the laughter. "I was followed and this guy looks scary." you said, Katsuki trying to shush you. "She's crazy." he said to himself. Soon smiling at you, knowing that this is what he looked about you. He laughed along with you (awkwardly I may add, because everyone was staring at this point), soon calming you down. The waiter looked surprised and gave you your food. "If anyone tried to hurt you." Katsuki said, smirking. "I know, dumbass." you said, eating your roman. "I'm not a dumbass...dumbass." he whispered at the last part, making you giggle.

The whole night Katsuki looked behind him, but as you tried to look too. He blocked you, talking more and more about how you were doing or how school was. Like an2 old ass grandpa or grandma. He made you worried, and so did that waiter too. You two soon took your leave, as Katsuki paid you looked where Katsuki was looking earlier. Katsuki looked back at you, soon making the sound 'tch' you looked back at him. "I was going to tell you later." he said, holding your hand. "Katsuki, why didn't you tell me sooner." you asked, not crying..just wondering the words 'what the actual fuck!' "So you wanted me to ruin your meal?" he asked, taking you outside. "I-" you couldn't finish your words, the glass windows looked into the other restaurant. You couldn't imagine what the fuck you were looking at, Monoma flirting with someone else. Putting her hair behind her ear like he did yours. You didn't feel sad nor anger, just disgust. As he kissed her lips, like how he kissed you. "Did he even wash his lips before kissing you?".."did he kiss that bitch, then you?" These thoughts circle your mind as Katsuki sits you on a bench, he sees the disgust on your face. "I'm sorry, You probably thought he was the one." he said, looking back up to you. It took you a minute to process those words, 'the one?' No abustly not! Not at all! The only one you thought was the one was," you lifted your head up at Katsuki, seeing him look down; you soon do the same."No actually, I thought you were." you said, tears falling down. Not because of Monoma but because how Katsuki made you feel, how you were the only person in the world, and how that slowly went away for him. "y/n-" his face in shock and yours damaged, tears flowing down like a broken faucet. "We were supposed to be forever." you interrupted him, "that is what you said, right? You asked, getting up from the bench. He quickly stood up, grabbing your wrist gently. "Dumbass." he said, pulling you towards him. Kissing you, lips fitting perfectly as he placed his hands on your waist. Your fingers between his blonde locks, panting through kisses. Your last tear falling down as he wiped them away, pulling you in deeper. How you missed this, how you missed his touch, his smell, his love. "I love you, teddy bear." he said, feeling the world stop. "I love you too." you said, finally releasing each other.

(sorry if this is corny but hey lemon time bitches..)

(I don't actually mean like bitch like in a negative way, sorry.)

The both of you ran in, going to upstairs as fast as Iida. (poor sir, he probably wouldn't appreciate that) As you ran behind him, Katsuki opened his bedroom. Soon pulling you in, kissing you as he slammed the door. Mitsuki and Masaru were out for dinner, so you didn't have to worry about being too loud. He picked you up and brought you to his bed, as he gently laid you down. His hand slowly reaching for your belt, getting more heated between kisses. The two of you took off your shirts, As his soft lips traced up your body, placing his hand on your mid thigh and slowly rubbing up it. Flinching on his cold touch, he starts to kiss up your body. As he got to your lips, he looked you in the eyes. You didn't know what his eyes were 'saying' anger, maybe; happiness, most likely. "You're mine, Teddy Bear." he whispered into your right ear, coming back to your face to kiss you again. His hands got lower to your region, abusing your neck. You couldn't help but to let out whimpers but as he heard that he went rougher, bitting, sucking harder on your neck. He took off your bra, always having trouble with it, you helped him. He kissed your left boob as he toyed with the right. He abused this spot some more, giving hickeys every where he pleased. As he took off your underwear, he rubbed your clit. Making you flinch, a moan escaping your mouth. "You're so wet, and I haven't even got started." he said, licking up on your area. You moaned as he slowly shoved his tongue as deep he could, you starting gently pulling his hair. Making him go deeper and faster. His thumb rubbing your clit as he ate you out, he slapped your clit making you arch your back in pleasure and pain. "I'm about to cum!" you screamed, making him stop. As took off his sweatpants and boxer, and lifted your hips up a slight bit. "Katsuki-" he looked at you with those red eyes, serious. "I mean-' before another word he started to rail you, your moans getting louder as he went faster. "Daddy!" you screamed, seeing you like this made him smirk. "You're mine, no one can have you." he thought to himself as he looked at you moaning, looking away, your head into the sheets. He got faster and sloppier, as your moans and whispers echoed around the room. "Daddy, I'm gonna cum." you said, making him go sloppier. As he pulled out, you came. Trying to catch your breath, Katsuki went to the shower as you got up and put on his shirt and a new pair of underwear. As you cleaned your mess and everything you laid down in his bed, soon passing out as you felt someone cuddle you.

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