chapter 32

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It was a couple years later, the both of graduation and got the both of you an apartment. You and him were happy, the apartment a basic white with black soft leather furniture. The kitchen with marble counters and light brown wood for the cabinets and drawers. You felt happy living with Katsuki, also being his personal assistant.

As you walked in his office to remind him of his meeting with Denki and Kirishima, he hugged you soon as you walked in. "hi." you said, with a chuckle as he kissed your cheek. "Tonight lets go on a date." he said, his eyes sparkled as he thought of what was going to happen. "Okay!" you said, your smile making his heart skip a beat. "God I love you." he said, pulling for a kiss. You stopped him, reminding him of the meeting he had. "Why couldn't you let me kiss you dumbass?" he asked, trying to kiss you once more. "Because the meeting is in 10 minutes" you said, finally kissing him. "Damn it." he said, grabbing everything to go to the meeting in the next room. You giggled, leaving the room. As you began to walk back to your office you heard your fashion old nickname. "Buzzy beautiful shine nugget!" Denki screamed, hugging you. As Katsuki walked out he grabbed the back of Denki's shirt, prying him off of you. "Nooooo." he echoed, as Katsuki pulled him off of you. All you did was giggle as Kirishima walked up to Katsuki, fist pumping him and waving at you. After saying your hi's and byes, It was Around 8pm when they got out of the meeting, "damn, 4 hours." you said, sorting your files and making phone calls. "Hey teddy bear I'm finally done." he said, walking in. you looked up, putting everything away and grabbing your coat. "Where are we going?" you asked, as Katsuki held the front door for you. "You'll see." he said, walking you to the location. You smiled as you held his hand, adding a little swinging.

 You smiled as you held his hand, adding a little swinging

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"Katsuki, this is beautiful." you said while looking around, soon looking back into his eyes. "y/n." he said, before smiling. "You're everything to me." he said, making you blush as you smiled. He removed the lids of the plates relieving y/ff "Katsuki." you said, sparkling at the food. "It's your favorite isn't it." he said, pointing with his hand to signaling the words 'begin'. As you ate the both of you talked about past memories and laughed over the stupid things you both have done. As the both of you soon got done, Katsuki got up and walked over to you. "Let's walk around." he said, helping you help and beginning to walk. The sight of the stars and moon made you feel peace and Katsuki made you feel like the only person in the world. Your toes between the sand, feeling weird, not knowing if you liked it or not. But too deep in the moment to think about it. As you bent down to grab a blue, with tint sparkled seashell that's when Katsuki took his chance. As you turned around to show him the beautiful seashell, you saw him on one knee. As you gasped he asked the unbelievable question, 'Will you marry me?' your eyes starting to water, you couldn't believe what you heard.

Flash back

"Sooo?" Denki said, leaning on only two legs of his chair.

"Can you keep your voice down!" I yelled.

"Are you going to ask her bro?" Kirishima asked, elbowing me.

"Yes after dinner." I replied.

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