chapter eight

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Walking away, you saw how students looked at you, your friends in disbelief. You soon hear running, Bakugo making sure you were okay, Stumbling, your body hit the wall as Bakugo holds onto you. "I'm so sorry." you whisper, leaning your back on the wall, cupping his handsome face as you kiss him ever so gently. Feeling your body getting tired, you gracefully and softly fell in his arms.

You woke up to Bakugo gently rubbing the side of your face. His eyes, his beautiful deep red, passionate eyes. the way he smiles when seeing you, to hear your voice. 

"Hey are you?" He spoke so softly like a whisper.

I want to hug him but I can't move, everything hurts.

"I-... I'm okay." I could barely speak, all I did was cry.

"Hey...hey, it's's okay." Something about him saying that made you cry more....he was unsure. What if he couldn't trust you or furthermore didn't even want anything to do with you.

"I...I'm so sorry...I couldn't control it." I finally say still choking on tears, every breath being just a gasp.

💥 Bakugo pov 💥

I don't know how to process not just "this" it's her quirk something she was birth's powerful so I understand how she couldn't control it but for it to be that dark.

I don't know what to say nor what to do. Do I want to stay by her or do I want to run never coming back?

"It's okay y/'s a powerful quirk I understand how you couldn't-" I couldn't finish my sentence... I could see her, waiting for me to finish but I can't.

I don't know how to tell her my thoughts nor the feelings I have.

I leaned closer to her forehead, kissing her, tears still going down her face. I started to cry with her. She put her hand on my cheek, as I grab her hand she smiled...a weak smile.

"Bakugo?" I looked up at her as she wipes away my tears. "I understand if this is the end of our friendship....of uh-" she looked away.

"Us?" I thought. "Y/n I-" why can't I speak? Is it shock?

"No!" I almost yelled. "Of course this isn't the end of us dumbass," I said hugging her. "It's only the beginning."

Your pov

He whispered into my ear, my heart-shattering. "Y/n?" He said starting to move out of my arms...his warmth gone.

"Y-yes?" I say, fear taking over my body I know what he's going to ask about..about them...


"She isn't safe to be around, nor with other students in that matter!..-

The room became silent...

-We need to kick her out of the program!" Torino said while crossing his arms.

"Yeah but she has potential," Fukukado replied.

"Yeah, all she has to do is take control of her quirk." All Might said.


"Keep it down," Aizawa said taking a sip of his tea.

"Sorry..." he replied.

"I have to agree, kick her out." Midnight said leaning back in her chair.

"Look I think she can do it! I mean yes she needs to learn how to take control of her quirk but when she does you know how powerful of a hero she would be." Nezu said grabbing his tea from off of the table.

"I sadly agree... I mean yes it's risky and we have to be one hundred percent sure she wants to be a hero but she shouldn't leave nor have to because of her parents." Aizawa said not making eye contact.

"Exactly! That's her pass...she passed all the tests and she trains every morning and night, sometimes I have even helped her. She opened up to me telling me about her past, she didn't like how they were... She never wanted to become them!" Fukukado said slamming her hand on the table.

"She would be a magnificent hero one day just you see." Nezu said walking away. "what?" Torino asked, "I SAID SHE WOULD BE A MAGNIFICENT HERO."

"You better be sure of that or we will have one hell of a villain instead," Torino said raising an eyebrow.

Nezu stopped in his tracks and turned his head..." if she doesn't become a hero then we will have to take away her quirk."

"But we don't have the technology to do that!" Present Mic. Said looking around in shock.

"Then we'll make one," Nezu said walking out the room. "What did the polar bear say?" Torino asked. "NOTHING!" Fukukado yelled.

"She'll do great just watch guys!" Fukukado yelled putting her thumbs up as she walks out the door.

"Aizawa are you sure?" Present Mic. Asked..... silence.."Aizawa?" He looked down to see him asleep in his yellow sleeping bag.

"I'm going to try training with her if I like what I see I'll try changing my mind." MidNight said walking out.

"Yeah, she'll be great!" All Might said heading out, as well as Torino.

"Aizawa if you're wrong about her..." Present Mic said taking the last sip of his tea before leaving.

"I'm not! Now leave so I can sleep." Aizawa said rolling under the couch.

I didn't know if I should have had put Nezu or Mr. I'm sorry if you were confused.

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