chapter 25

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December 19

It's been a couple days until your birthday, you dread the feeling of not telling Katsuki but you knew he would make it a big deal. "Hey baby? Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes met yours, your heart skipping a beat. "Uhh no I'm okay!" you said, your smile getting weaker. He smiled and nodded, walking off to the kitchen. You sat on the couch going through social media. Masaru sat next to you, a minute or so of silence. "What's wrong?" he asked, you looked up. "Tomorrow is my birthday." you said, he started to panic, "What? Oh my-" "What?" Katsuki asked. "Oh it's nothing." You said, looking down. Masaru got up and left the room, leaving you in Katsuki alone. "Please teddy bear tell me what's wrong." His eyes met yours as he put his hands on your lap. You sighed "Tomorrow is my birthday." His eyes widened as he stood up soon helping you up, he hugged you. "It's not a big deal, Katsuki." You said, burying your face into his chest."I know you probably hate your birthday, but you're with me now." he said, kissing your forehead. You smiled, blushing. You hugged him tighter. "See you already love your birthday again!" he said, smiling with you. You giggled and nodded. "I guess so!"

He jumped. "Ooo wait here, don't move!" He said, running up the stairs. You giggled and was the longest 10 minutes of your life. "Okay I'm done." He said, grabbing your hand. He ran up stairs, opening your bedroom door. "Katsuki." Your eyes widen seeing your bed turned into a fort. Fairy lights went around the room, with stars stuck on the wall. You gasp and whisper. "It's so perfect." You said, standing there. He pulled you close to him, gently laying you on the bed. Putting his hand up, you put your hand on his, slowly bending your fingers between his. "Teddy bear.." he said, your eyes met his, as his soft lips pressed against yours. "You're my forever." He said, kissing you. "Forever.." your eyes started to water. "Katsuki you'll always be my forever!" You said, hugging him. "Dumbass I'm going to fall on you." He said. "I don't care." You squeezed him tighter. "But what if I-."

"I don't care." You said, making him fall on top of you. You played with his hair, kissing him. "I will always love you." You said, kissing him. "Forever." He fell asleep in your arms. You whispered in his ear, "forever."


"Happy birthday teddy bear." He said, kissing you. "Sir, it's 1 am, go to sleep." You said, turning around. "But-" he said, you turned back around and kissed him. "Thank you, but-" he kissed you. "Goodnight Teddy bear."


You woke to Katsuki smiling. "Watching someone sleep is pretty Creepy." You said. "But you look so cute." He said, putting your hair behind your ear. You turned over and opened your phone, seeing your reflection. "You are blind." You said, getting up. "Maybe a little bit but that's not the point! It's your birthday teddy bear." He said. "Mhmm" you said, getting your towel and robe. "Where are you going?" He asked. "The shower." You said, smiling. "Hey! want to go somewhere today?" He asked, getting up. "Yes of course." You smiled, walking out the room.

"You're so fucking sexy

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"You're so fucking sexy." He said, slapping then grabbing your ass. You picked up a pillow and threw it at him. "Get dressed, and fix your hair...bedhead." you soon whispered. "Huh? Dumbass?" He said, tickling you. "Haha! Katsuki stooop." You said, kissing him. He got up and went to your closet getting your biggest t-shirt. "Hey! No!" You said, trying to kick him out. "But I want to wear your clothes!" He whined. "Tch''... fine, idiotic baboon." You giggled. "Dumbass."

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