eight - flirty

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Song of the Chapter: Something That We're Not -- Demi Lovato



I struggled to keep up with Sam as she skipped in her black stilettos all the way to H&M. She squealed at the sight of it, then I lost her in the crowd of people surrounding the store.

"Samantha!" I called, rolling my eyes at how excited she was. I had so many bags around my arms and in my hands and I could barely walk.

How was Sam doing it? Especially in those heels?

"Sam!" I called out again, trying to make my way through the crowd of people. It felt like no one was moving, probably because no one really was moving. There were way too many people to have your own personal space and room to walk. The amount of people was causing me to sweat a little with nervousness. I hated large groups of people.

I hugged my bags close to me and checked if my purse was still on my shoulder. Luckily, it was still there. I had to check every two minutes because you never know who was trying to steal stuff around here. I tripped on my converse and crashed into the woman in front of me. She turned around, gave me a mean look, then turned her back towards me. I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I was not good at Black Friday shopping.

When I finally got into H&M, it was even harder to catch Sam. She already had three new sweaters in her hands and a pair of high waisted jeans. I watched from a distance as she grabbed some more stuff from the walls.

"Camryn!" she called from across the store. A few people stopped and stared and I tried hiding my face. My heartbeat sped up when I met eyes with the people who were disturbed from Sam's scream. "Camryn! Look at this cute sweater! Don't you love it?" She held up a grey sweater with different colored patterns on it.

Once I reached her, I nodded forcefully. I didn't really like the sweater, but I nodded because saying no seemed like it required a lot of effort. If I said no, she'd ask me why, and then I'd have to say more things.

"You do?" she asked, looking at the sweater with a displeased face. She hooked the sweater on her arm with the rest of the clothes she wanted to buy. "Well I hate it. I'm buying it for you, though." She patted me on the shoulder and I did one of my signature fake smiles. She skipped away and continued shopping.

I just followed her around. I didn't feel like shopping. All of the bags I was holding were for me, but I technically didn't choose them out. If it wasn't for Sam, I'd be carrying no bags at all. She knew I didn't want to shop, so she basically did it for me. But I used my own money though. I wasn't that mean.

"Camryn, you know what you need?" She looked at me, played with my hair a little, then examined my outfit. I was wearing a New York sweatshirt, some black sweatpants, and my old basketball shoes from sixth grade when I wanted to become the next Michael Jordan. I wasn't really thinking when I gathered something to wear this morning. I couldn't find any other shoes and my laundry wasn't finished from the night before, so I really didn't have much to wear, but never in a million years would I chose out my old Jordans when I knew I was going out in public. They were slightly torn and dusty. I was surprised they even fit me.

"What?" I asked, trying not to notice her concerned face after looking at my outfit. She knew what was wrong with me, but she also knew better than to talk about it.

"You need..." She rummaged through the clothes rack beside her and pulled out a black skirt that was shorter than the life I wasn't planning on living for longer than another decade. "This! Every girl needs at least one skimpy piece of clothing. Am I right?"

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