two - newbie

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Song of the Chapter: Primadonna - Marina and the Diamonds



School. Who doesn't hate school? You'd hate it even more if it was a Monday and you went to Ridgeway which unfortunately is my horrible school.

At this school, there's about one-thousand kids and everyone knows everyone. Well, unless you're a nobody of course. As much as being a nobody might suck (I'm not really a nobody, that's just too cliché, but I feel like one) just thank yourself for not being a cool kid-- you'll find out why later on.

This school is full of snobby rich kids who get the best grades in school and pay people to do things for them. Not even the nobody's can admit that this specific stereotype isn't true.

I'm not as rich as everyone else, so I don't consider myself one of those snobby rich kids. I'm just normal. I hang around the normal people and I act like a normal person. I don't have the money for personal servants. I don't get whatever I want. The only reason my family has money is because we learned to conserve.

Other kids at this school however, are brainwashed, selfish, and ungrateful. They don't care for people like me. They don't care for anything at all unless it costs money.

"Camryn, are you even listening to me?" JC asked, tapping my forehead with his fist as to ask if my head was hollow or something.

I scowled at him, angry that he startled me like that. JC was rich, but he still had a good heart. He didn't hate everything unless he was having an episode, and that rarely ever happened.

"JC, it's Monday morning and I'm trying my best to stay with you but I'm pretty sure I'll fall asleep if you say one more thing about Ariana Grande."

JC sighed. He reached into his locker and pulled out two photos of Ariana Grande. "Sorry, I'm kind of in love," he replied. He held the two pictures in front of me. In one photo, Ariana had her long, curly red hair and she was wearing an adorable pink dress. In the other photo, she looked much more mature in her sparkly red maxi-dress where I'm pretty sure she was performing "Tattooed Heart" at the American Music Awards. "Which one should I hang in my locker?" He asked me.

I groaned. "Why not both?" I asked. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to him about his celebrity crush.

"I can't fit both!" JC replied. He opened his locker door wide enough for me to look inside. My jaw dropped. His whole locker was covered in Ariana Grande pictures except for one tiny little spot in the back. I assumed that the little spot was where he would put the last picture.

"JC," I started, "this is an unhealthy obsession."

JC rolled his eyes. "I didn't need you to tell me that," he sassed. "I need you to tell me which one I should pick."

"Well why can't you pick?" I growled.

"Because I want you to!" JC replied.

I stared at him impatiently. He stared back, looking innocent with his bright blue eyes. He only needs an opinion, don't be mean Camryn.

"That one," I pointed to the picture with her red hair and her pink dress.

JC raised his eyebrows. "Really? You think so? I don't know, I think I'll go with the other one."

I was about ready to pull his head off, but I had to contain myself. I didn't want random people in the hallway to hear me scream at my best friend.

"Okay, fine. Go with that one. I don't care," I said.

"Geez, you don't have to be so mean," JC said, taping the picture into his locker. He left the other picture on top of his algebra book. After that, he stuffed his jacket in his locker and shut it.

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