twenty four - wake up

373 12 11

Song of the Chapter: Art of Letting You Go - Tori Kelly



"It's like none of my friends even like me because of Jackie," Julia whined. It had been about two minutes since she came up to me and started pouring her heart out about everything that was bothering her. Her locker was a few away from mine, so we were walking together.

I admit, Julia liked to talk, maybe too much, but she was cool, and I was glad I had one more girl friend here.

"I mean, Caroline and Sam always choose her over me because she's smart and stuff. They probably use her for her algebra homework, " Julia groaned.

We got to my locker and Julia leaned on the locker next to mine, watching me put my combination in.

"They take algebra?" I asked.

Julia nodded. "Algebra two. They're like math geeks or something."

"I take algebra two," I said, opening my locker and sliding off my backpack. "Too bad I'm not in the same class as them."

Julia sighed. "You too? Ugh, I feel like such an idiot. Camryn takes algebra two also so I have no one to talk to in my geometry class. Well, except for some kid named Max who writes comics and has an awful sinus infection all the time. He sits in the desk beside me. One time, he sneezed all over my math test, and he doesn't even sit that close to me. Can you imagine him like, sneezing across the isle onto my desk? Gross."

I gave her a sympathetic look. I didn't have Camryn in my math class either. And I wouldn't say I have no one to talk to, because a lot of people talk to me in algebra. But Camryn and Caroline and Sam and Jackie are cooler than most people in my math class.

Oh well. As long as I didn't have Max next to me, I guess I was cool with the people I already had.

"It's okay, Julia. Max probably didn't mean to sneeze on you," I said, placing my hand on her shoulder as if to say I was sorry. "And you're not an idiot. I'm sure if you were put in a higher math class, you would get the hang of it right away."

Julia looked doubtful. Her big, green eyes watched as I spilled my textbooks into my locker from my backpack, then grabbed the stuff I actually needed.

"Well Jackie's always telling me I'm stupid," she said, looking down at her feet. "But she's the one who stole my boyfriend from me last year. Like what kind of friend does that? Oh yeah, a stupid one."

"She did what?"

Julia shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I'm over it and I'm never, ever going to bring it up again."

I shut my locker once I put my backpack inside, then followed Julia to her locker. "But you have a boyfriend, right?" I asked her. Camryn had told me that she did.

"Yeah. And Jamie's way better than Jackie's boyfriend Drew, who used to be my boyfriend." Julia didn't seem 'over it' like she said she was. I wouldn't be over it if my friend starting dating my ex either, so I understood.

"There's Jamie now," Julia said, looking far into the hallway and flashing a smile at her boyfriend. "Hey, Jamie!"

I looked in her direction where a boy wearing black joggers, a grey Nike sweatshirt, and black Nike running shoes was waving back at her, displaying his perfect, white teeth.

Damn, was everyone in this town perfect? It was like I was still in California. When I moved here, I didn't expect to find overly attractive people at every corner.

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