twenty seven - how embarassing

186 15 4

Song of the Chapter: Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj



Evan told me to meet him at the stairwell in the back of the school between the first and second floor at lunch. I did exactly that.

No one ever used this staircase. People made up weird stories about it. How two eleventh grade math teachers-- Mr. Thomas and Ms. Brand would sneak back here and hook up when no one was looking.

Apparently that's why everyone's so freaked out about this staircase. I thought it was bullshit.

Two teachers getting it on inside a school on a staircase? How stupid does that sound?

Anyway, it was a good place to hide from teachers and students. It was so abandoned that I could actually draw a line through the dust on the walls with my finger.

As I'm examining the beat up stairwell, I hear his voice. "Hey, baby."

I spin around when I hear his footsteps coming towards me. He's walking down the top staircase.

You'd think my heart would flutter at his voice or start beating rapidly, but I've grown so used to him and his voice and his words and his looks, it feels like he's actually my boyfriend.

"Hey," I respond. Of course, I'm used to him, but I still feel myself tucking my hair behind my ear and straightening out my shirt. I wanna look good for him. "What's wrong?"

He stops right in front of me. I'm surprised his hands aren't on my waist or cupping my face. It seems like something's bothering him, but he's trying to hide it.

He asked me to be here, so obviously there's something wrong.

He stuffs his hands in his pockets instead of touching me. I take it as a bad sign. I cross my arms.

"Nothing... I just wanted to talk," he said sternly.

That doesn't sound like nothing...

"About what?" I ask him.

He shrugs. I've never seen him shrug. He's so confident and always has something to say... what's different about now?

"Well, my friends are waiting for me at lunch, so..." I trailed off, trying to hint that I was getting impatient. He had to know that he was gonna have to speak up sooner or later-- preferably sooner.

"I just wanna know how your day's going," he says.

What kind of lame response is that? "Like you care how my day is going." I didn't say it to be a bitch, I said it because it was true. I mean, he's never done this before.

But what he has done before was act weird. He's been acting so weird lately. Like sometimes, when I'd tell him that I was busy and couldn't hang out, he'd get all mad (while pretending he was perfectly fine) and then not call me for a few days after that. Then when he decided to stop being dumb, he'd call me, but only to respond with one word answers, hinting that he was still upset.

One time, while his parents were away on their anniversary date, he invited me over. That time, I told him I'd be there. He would not stop kissing me when I got there, but I didn't think too much of it. But then, he just stopped and pulled away. I asked him what was wrong and he kept telling me he was fine.

He was obviously lying. I know lies when I hear them. I'm the queen of lying.

"What's your problem?" he spat, giving me the nastiest face ever, like I was the issue.

"My problem? What's yours? You've been acting weird lately," I responded.

"No I haven't," he argued.

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