four - mean brother

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Song of the Chapter: Best Mistake - Ariana Grande ft. Big Sean



I was at JC's house and the only people that were here were Bryce, Chase, JC's mom, and of course JC.

Well, Bryce, JC, and his mom didn't really matter because I had my eyes on the most perfect guy ever. Chase was standing against the kitchen counter with his hands in his pockets, watching JC talk to Mrs. Case.

"Mom, I have everything under control," JC said, throwing his arms around his mom who was trying to work on her computer at the kitchen table although we were quite distracting. "It's not a party, I just invited a couple of friends. Go out, have some fun or something. Why don't you forget being a mom for just tonight? Please?"

It wasn't usually this difficult for JC to convince his mom to throw parties, or whatever was happening tonight. Mrs. Case would usually just say yes, only because of JC's rather awful life. She wanted him to be happy and what made JC happy was... well... people I guess.

He was the complete opposite of me. I could only tolerate a few people and those few people were JC, Sam, Julia, Caroline, and Jackie. Also, I had some mutual friends that I liked. And I really liked Swathi. She's cool. But I wasn't sure if I could handle all these people I've never talked to.

JC looked stressed out because his mom was being hesitant. I don't know why she was being hesitant, but I knew she was going to leave JC to his social life sooner or later. "Mom, please. There's only going to be a few friends. I promise."

Mrs. Case glanced at Chase and Bryce, then at me. "You have a few friends right here."

"Okay, that's it mom. I'm kicking you out," he said, closing his mom's computer and pushing it aside. He took his mother's hands and pulled her up from the chair she was sitting on and rushed her to the door. He grabbed one of her jackets from the closet and slipped it on for her-- all of this was seen from standing in the kitchen. "Go hang out with that lady down the street. Or go talk to Camryn's mom. You both have issues, right?"

JC glanced at me as if to say sorry, but I just shook it off although I would've done anything to rip his head off at that moment. Did he seriously just say that when Chase and Bryce were here? Great, now they know my mom is a depressed maniac. Cool.

"Okay, okay. I can't believe you're kicking me out of my own house. I could just stay up in my room while you had your pals down here, but I guess not," Mrs. Case said, zipping up her jacket.

"Yeah, go have fun," JC replied, practically pushing his mother out the door. "Go find a new man while you're at it."

I stepped out of the kitchen and the boys did the same. Both Chase and Bryce hopped up and down on the couch until Bryce pushed Chase off. I watched them as JC talked to his mom.

"I already have a 'man'," Mrs. Case laughed, stepping out of the house and onto the porch.

"Who, me?" JC joked, holding onto the door. He poked his head out of the almost closed door. I could tell he was ready for his mom to stop stalling.

"Oh, Jonathan. You're not a man yet!" She replied rather cheerfully.

I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stop my laugh from being noticeable.

"You do know I'm still married, right?" She asked.

Yeah, Mrs. Case. We know that you're married to a lowlife, horrible excuse for man.

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