three - crush

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Song of the Chapter: Begin Again - Taylor Swift



Wednesday morning, I walked into school, kind of confused because I felt like I was missing something.

I was walking alone in the hallway, while the kids around me were communicating with one another.

Then I realized I didn't have Sam. She ways walked with me in the mornings. She would always fill me in on what happened the night before, usually something about a hang out I missed or her relationship with Tyler. I would most likely nod and keep listening. I didn't talk that much.

But today was different. Sam wasn't with me and neither was JC.

I brushed it off, thinking that maybe Sam was coming to school late, and JC was off talking to his friends.

Since that's what JC usually did, I didn't expect him to be with me. But I found it strange how Sam wasn't here yet.

I got to my locker and looked beside me. JC wasn't there. I looked down the hallway and I spotted him talking to Bryce Williams-- the guy that had a crush on me.

He was actually kind of cute. I thought to myself. He was half black and half white. He had perfect teeth and a bad boy vibe to him-- although he was a complete dumbass.

I wasn't saying that just to be mean, he was actually one of the stupidest people I've ever encountered. In algebra last year, I'd always have to whisper the answers to him when the teacher called his name. He always had no clue what math even was. After class every day, he'd thank me for helping him. I guess that's where his crush on me developed.

But I really liked him. I liked him enough to consider him a friend.

I kept staring at him and JC talk to each other until they both looked at me. My stomach flipped and I quickly turned away. What are they looking at me for?

I cautiously organized my locker like I had nothing better to do. I hoped that they didn't see how nervous I was acting.

Like the clueless person I was, I looked back at them to see if they were still staring. Surprisingly, they still were. Bryce smiled at me then said something to JC, obviously about me because JC started checking me out.

My cheeks heated up and I smiled back at Bryce before shutting my locker. I walked the opposite way from them.

Lucky for my outgoing personality-- note the sarcasm-- they caught up to me. Bryce was on my right side and JC was on my left.

"You should've came last night," Bryce told me like I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Where?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as can be.

"We went ice skating," JC replied.

"With the new girl," Bryce added, licking his lips and raising one eyebrow.

Oh, so he got over me. I didn't know.

"Fun," I replied.

"So why didn't you come?" JC asked.

I shrugged. Skating with the new girl sounded like fun, I just didn't know they were going ice skating. "I didn't get an invite."

"You don't need an invite," JC said. "You're Camryn. If I'm going somewhere you're coming with me."

I grinned. "Cool." He threw his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. "But I had no idea you were going."

"Well next time I'll be the one to tell you," Bryce said. I almost forgot he was even walking with us.

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