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Full transparency, the reason it's another of these chapters is because I felt "hey i did one of these for tats, it'd be weird if i didn't do it for the protagonist of the damn anime" you feel?

but yeah yeehaw


Climbing isn't easy. It isn't easy in the slightest, if you would even think it is.

Or, I should say, most forms of climbing aren't easy. Physically climbing, that used to be hard. Of course, once I started training, climbing up rock things like the little grips at the gym wasn't hard anymore, and neither was actually climbing. Maybe I should've used that while I was training. Y'know, get a little bit of variety in there instead of just my normal push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and running. Who knows, maybe I would've become stronger.

Nah, that wasn't the goal in the first place. It's not like I need to get stronger anyways.

So, even as I walk through the murky waterways, using my cape to cover through everything, I realize something about climbing. Something very specific about climbing, honestly, something that I wouldn't expect to figure out especially considering how I haven't been in school for ages now.

Climbing, at least, used as a metaphor, is used way too often to really be useful anymore. You ever notice that whenever you're in English class reading 1984 or Wonder, two books that I was assigned to read in class but never got to because I kept falling asleep while I was reading them? Or, you know, reading some of those generic poems written a few thousands years ago? Actually, scratch that. Most poems that I've had to read in class were written in like, the last decade, by supposed role models that were activists but people that I couldn't find myself caring about.

Anyways. Poems, right? That's what I was talking about? I'm pretty sure that's what I was talking about.

No, it was climbing. It was climbing that I was just talking about. You know, most forms of climbing aren't easy and all that. I've gotten good at rock climbing, I've gotten good at climbing stairs instead of using the elevator, I've gotten good at climbing down ladders whenever I need to go into those super secret bunker areas that you always find that James Bond villain-like lair in. In most things, I think I've gotten good at climbing.

Now, ever since I met Tats, I've gotten more...connected to the world, in a sense. At least, she said that, and I quote, "You used to be a hermit that probably never saw the light of day. If I met you on the sidewalk, I'd have thought you'd have lived under a rock your whole life." And that's true. Granted, she said it in a teasing way, without actually being angry, but it's true.

I have, like, a flip phone that I only have because the Hero Association gave one to me, I think? And also a phone that's probably older than the dinosaurs themselves, as Fubuki put it. It's not like I really need to read up on the news, right?

Anyways, I eventually had to get a computer. It looks so...weird, but I guess it fits. When I became friends with Genos, and eventually by extension of both Genos and Tats, Fubuki, they urged me to get a computer. At least, if not for my sake, Fubuki's so that she wouldn't feel like she was visiting a retirement home by seeing how stale and dry my place was. Kind of rude, but meh. Not like it was the end of the world. So I got a computer. A gaming one, for some reason. I don't know, honestly. It had some cool colors, so I chose it. I didn't even know it was a gaming laptop until Tats read it out to me on the receipt.

Now, what I'm about to say will not make sense to most people. Is that what people call a meme? Inside jokes from people with too much time that they spend on the internet? I read a tweet about that. Twitter's a weird place.

Honestly, my mind's everywhere and nowhere right now. I feel like I'm just spewing stuff on a page and hoping it'll end up making sense. But I have no idea what else to do while I walk through this maze after killing that monster thingy, so this is what I'm doing with my time. Good enough, right?

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