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This is just sort of an intermission chapter, since I got the suggestion to let Tatsumaki know about King being a weakling from a reader, but I'm tweaking their suggestion a bit, but the duel will be next chapter!

I hope you enjoy!

Initial Release Date: August 6, 2020


"Hey, Baldy, why do you seem off all day?" Tornado asked, crossing her arms. "It's a Saturday, and we're at the grocery store, and it's bargain day."

"And?" Saitama responded dryly, pushing the cart like it was nothing, even though it looked like the cart was about to collapse from the sheer weight of the items the bald man had insisted on getting on the weekend. It was a special day, because it wasn't your ordinary bargain day. It was a bargain day that only happened every year, on the anniversary of the place's creation.

Which only made the issue more pressing, considering how the attitude that the short woman's boyfriend had didn't seem nearly as excited as it would be. She narrowed her eyes as she stared at Saitama with a sour expression on his face.

"You know," she observed. "I think you've been a bit off since you met King. Did something happen when you met him? Did he try to do anything? Kick you out of the Hero Association?" She clicked her tongue at that, knowing it wasn't the case; even if King did try to intimidate Saitama out of the Association, it's not like he even cared about being in the organization in the first place.

"No, not really," he shrugged, his eyes drifting off. "It was just how King acted. It didn't seem like something I'd expect King to be like."

"And that was?" Tornado quirked an eyebrow. "What did you expect King to be like?"

"I don't know. Stoic. I expected him to have a bunch of trophies, a bunch of stuff in his home, maybe even something...extra. But his place was practically barren. I think my place had more stuff in it," Saitama shrugged again, not really knowing how to explain it properly. "King just...didn't seem like the type of person to be like that."

"What did he even have?" Tornado asked, gesturing her hand blandly as the two of them walked through another aisle. "There had to have been something interesting, at least, right?"

"Nope," Saitama emphasized the 'p.' "The main thing that he had was a gaming console, a bunch of games, and a small T.V to play them on."

"And? People have hobbies other than training and just going out beating up monsters," Tatsumaki scoffed, somewhat amused. "I guess King doesn't seem the person to play videogames, at least."

"Yeah, it's a bit weird, honestly. He's really good at fighting games, but...well, you know those Shoujo manga stuff?" Saitama began, though followed up with a seemingly random question.

Tornado nodded.

"He has an odd sort of interest for those sorts of games, like dating sims. You'd think someone like King would probably be attractive to someone, right?" Saitama explained. "He probably wouldn't even need to play something like that if he actually wanted to get a girlfriend."

Tornado cringed at that, her face wrinkling up in what she felt was just disgust, but was just an amalgamation of random emotion that she couldn't quite piece together. She felt a bit confused and curious as to why he'd get a game like that, annoyed that there were dating sims in the first place (the music bugged her to no end), and that King could actually get a girlfriend when he literally did nothing in battle.

"Actually, King wanted me to play some fighting games with him later. Wanna come with?" Saitama suggested, continuing to push his cart as he picked up another random thing that Tornado didn't even know existed in the world. It was a wonder that the cart still hadn't broke, and she had the urge to hold some of the objects midair herself.

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