Bit More Emotion

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Gotta be real, the reason I'm late to release this chapter is 'cause I haven't gotten to it just because I binged Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, and I also binged Another. Not gonna lie, I've also started binging Diamond No Ace, so, yeah. My bad.


I yawn, a little bored, "Yo, aren't the other heroes supposed to come over today?"

Tats nods, rummaging through the fridge, "Yep. I don't know why you ended up saying yes to them coming over, you know."

Leaning to the side, I stretch a little, "Meh. It should only be a few days, and then it'll just be us two again." As she finds another thing that we still haven't used, she tosses it to the side, wrinkling her nose as she does so.

"They're going to raid your fridge," she deadpans. "You're really going to let that happen?"

"I moved the more important things to your fridge. Nobody's going to try snatching something from that."

She scoffs, quietly huffing to herself, "Metal Prick might, if he weren't out of commission."

"Didn't he almost take down Garou?" I hum, getting up to walk over to the fridge, before lightly chuckling. "Jeez, Tats, what are you even looking for?"

She mutters, "Coffee. I don't know why they made us wake up at 4:30 in the morning for a meeting. Literally nothing is going on, since we're still going to be preparing for the next few hours anyways."

"And you're looking for coffee in the fridge?" I raise an eyebrow, glancing down at her. She's got bags under her eyes. "You musta slept terribly."

"Duh," she rolls her eyes. "I hate it when people come in my home."

"Me?" I question rhetorically.

"This is technically your place," she grumbles. "Now, where's the damn coffee?"

I point to the cabinet.

"Goddamn it, why did you put it on the highest shelf?" She glares daggers at me, before grabbing my arm. "Screw it, get over here."

I don't even put up a fight as she begins using me as a jungle gym, "Okay, now I don't know what's going on."

"I don't feel like grabbing the coffee from down there," she simply explains. "My powers rely on my health and my mental energy. If I'm injured, I spend some of my energy keeping my body in shape, and if my mind's jumbled, I can't control my powers if I try to use them."

"Not like you'd hurt me or anything," I mumble to myself, before a small hand comes down onto my head. "Hey!"

"Shut it, Baldy," she clicks her tongue, no heat behind her words. "You got any creamer?"

"Why would I? Creamer's expensive."

"One of these days, I promise, I'm going to murder you in your sleep," she threatens, slowly climbing down. "Who just drinks black coffee? Psychopaths?"

"People from the Hero Board," I muse, walking back to the fridge to shut it, before meeting her eyes. She's got a raised eyebrow, but there's a light smirk on her face.

"Might be rubbing off on you," she hums, satisfied. "Maybe you can finally stop being a dumbass, too."

"Wasn't a dumbass in the first place," I defend as she just props herself up on the table. "So, when are they supposed to come?"

She shrugs, "Said they'd be here around 8, but I think Zombieman and Flashy Flash are supposed to come here earlier."

I groan, "Do you know how soon? I still need to shower." I knock my head on the wall, being careful not to break a hole through two other buildings with it.

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