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A ring goes off in the room.


And louder.

"God damn it, Saitama, why don't you make your alarm a bit quieter?" Tornado groans, wiggling her way out of his arm that was annoyingly heavy over her.

Saitama yawns, slowly sitting up, "I don't think that's my've been getting something like that, too."

As Tatsumaki listens, she hears the faint ringing of her own phone.

But I don't even set alarms... The esper thinks, scratching the back of her head. "Who the fuck would be calling us at this hour?"

"Well, it's not Genos," Saitama answers, cracking his neck. "Hero Association."

"Ugh, what do they want now?" Tatsumaki pouts, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"No clue..." Saitama clicks his tongue. "Do we really need to answer?"

As the green-haired child-looking woman rises from the futon, she walks over to the bathroom, "Nope. Not yet. Once they give us an official alert, then I'll consider it."

A ringtone comes, this time, not incessant and annoying.

"...Was that Genos?" Tatsumaki asks, already knowing the answer.

"Nope. Apparently, they want us over to Headquarters as soon as possible."

"Yeah, no.  As soon as possible is going to be in a few hours for the two of us."

"Why's that?" Saitama asks, a bit confused. "I don't think I've got anything going on today."

"Yeah, but the problem is," Tornado explains with an absentminded gesture. "I wanna hang out with you...and also, I don't really care what the Hero Association says. Besides, if it's about the Monster Association, we can just make up a crappy excuse that they'll have to take because we live here."

The Bald Cape shrugs, taking the reasoning as sound enough to go along with it, "Fine, but I feel like going out. That cool with you?"

"Where to?" She mumbles, her mouth currently occupied by a toothbrush. She could practically smell the stench of tired sleep rolling off of her in waves, and she needed to remedy that as fast as possible.

"Wherever you want," Saitama yawns, walking through the homemade hallway and turning off Tornado's ringer.

"Then I guess heading over to Tetsuya's'd be fine, you think?" She mutters after spitting out some toothpaste. "Oy, you got mouthwash or something here?"

"I have Brown Listerine," Saitama calls out from the other room. He'd decided to look through her fridge, which had practically become another storage area for foods that he got from Bargain Day.

"As if. I'm trying to clean my mouth, not burn through it with literal acid," Tornado snorts. "Anything that normal human beings can handle?"

"I mean...Genos uses Colgate. It should be under the sink," Saitama calls out, and of course, there it is.

"...It's empty."

"Then I guess you've gotta use Brown Listerine, huh?"

"Oh, screw off."


A solemn voice admits, "I genuinely thought that giant monster would tear down at least an entire city...but it was pulverized in a single blow!"

Another voice celebrated, "I'm glad King is on our side!"

Someone coughed pointedly, "As for the hero hunter..." they put a hand on their hand, resting their arm on the table as a hologram appeared in the middle of the table. "It appears that Silverfang has failed to defeat him."

Breaking the Barrier (Saitama x Tatsumaki)Where stories live. Discover now