Epilogue: And so, Life Goes On.

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Author's note

It took me an extraordinarily long time to write this chapter. Not even because I wanted to make sure it was perfect, though that was a factor in it.

I just wasn't sure how to end it. How to make an epilogue. This story, in a sense, has become part of me, and this is my final send-off to it. It's a little odd, to be honest.

It took me an extraordinarily long time to make a chapter that I was happy with. I started this well over three years ago now, and it's come to an end. I started from being a weird kid whose biggest problems were trying to deal with his middle school relationship. Now, I'm a junior in high school. I'm taking an unusually high amount of AP Classes because I don't know what else to do. I've started tutoring. I've done fics for a bunch of other fandoms. Black Clover, Haikyuu, MHA, hell, even Love Live. I'm even in the process of writing a Konosuba oneshot. I've even gotten my driver's license. If I knew that this story would take this long to finish, I would have no idea if I would have even started it way back then. That's a lot of commitment, of course.

But I'm so glad I did.

And now, two weeks into my junior year, from the middle of my summer from either 6th to 7th grade or 7th to 8th grade, it's honestly been so long that I can't remember accurately myself, I've made an epilogue.

I don't want an end note for this. I want the chapter to end as the final chapter, and not with a final author's note.

So, from the bottom of my heart, once again, and forever I will do this, thank you for reading this.

I truly hope you enjoy.

For the last time in this story, I write this out:

I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I hope you enjoyed the story.



End Author's Note


"Yo, Genos, y'mind passing me the salt?" Saitama muttered, doing everything he could to not let his extreme amount of frustration show. He'd been dragged into learning how to cook actual recipes from a recipe book rather than tossing whatever he found into a pot, and then eating it no matter its quality simply because his stomach was far too strong to ever be negatively affected by poor eating habits.

Tatsumaki, the one to convince him to finally try learning how to cook like a normal person, for her credit, did what she could to prevent herself from snickering too hard; it was slightly amusing, seeing the same man who could level cities with a single punch absolutely defeated by a good old pan and ingredients that had no way of fighting back. Except onions. Not even Tatsumaki could resist onions when cut without using her psychic powers, and she refused to believe that anybody that could was human. Either way, it was a good skill to learn. A good way to mark that they'd finally moved into a new place. Granted, it was where the Hero Association had mandated they move after the entire Garou incident, but those were details.

"Yes, Sensei!" Genos passionately agreed with a quick nod, a serious expression on his face as he'd handed his teacher, now currently fellow student, the salt as the two of them worked on their respective dishes. Granted, Genos was a better chef than Saitama by a long shot, yet whenever it was compared to Fubuki's cooking, it always seemed to pale nowadays, which, honestly, Tornado wasn't sure how happened. Did she take culinary classes in high school or something?

As the dancing flames appeared on the stove in a formation that definitely wasn't natural for any heat element to produce, because Fubuki really didn't know how the hell the two of them somehow managed to mess up the process of heating up water for 30 seconds [For some weird reason, Genos's ability to cook always seemed to absolutely vanish whenever Saitama was around. She hypothesized it was because Saitama was so horrible at cooking that it quite literally dealt an area of effect damage, where people around him become worse at cooking simply by being in close proximity with him.], the familiar sound of the doorbell rang, and the only one actually free to do something, Tatsumaki, decided to go check it out.

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