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I finally decided to put, like the perspective thing for each section in this thing. I'll probably fix that up for the rest of the chapters, but the entire reason I hadn't done it till now despite the suggestions about it that made perfect sense was really stupid.

I just sorta procrastinated.

But, yeah!

Hope you enjoy!


Third Person

"You wanna tell me that you guys are heroes?"

Crap, now the Hero Hunter? Genos grit teeth, utilizing his anti-Tornado technology (Anti-modern art device, he called it) to boost himself back to the ground without injury. I thought the entirety of the Monster Association was here, but I must've been hoping that Miss Tatsumaki's turning the city into a wasteland would've incapacitated him as collateral damage.

"And you're the one to talk about heroes?" Atomic Samurai spat out, coughing up a bit of blood from his new encounters with the Black Sperm clones. "Shut the fuck up..."

"Heroes, monsters, all of you," Garou gruffly muttered, shaking his head as if he was deep in thought. "You all piss me off."

A few of Black Sperm's clones had the audacity to appear offended, "The hell?! Where do you come, talking like that?!"

The Hero Hunter, slumped over in a more casual stance, started to walk down the mound of debris, with inhuman lines of energy already emerging out of him, a fighting aura growing out of him, like excess energy that needed to escape.

"Heroes that destroy entire cities just to kill a monster, monsters that can't even finish off civilians, let alone heroes..." Garou spat out, looking down condescendingly upon Black Sperm, Evil Natural Water, and Homeless Emperor, the last of which had clearly been struggling with a clearly non-combat oriented hero like Zombieman, of all people. "You really call yourselves monsters? Monsters wouldn't let themselves fall like you goddamn fools."

"And what've you been doing this whole time, you buffoon?! You haven't killed a single hero, and you call yourself the 'Hero Hunter!'" A clearly larger clone of Black Sperm taunted, calling more clones to it, forming together to create yet another large formation of cells.

Evil Natural Water bubbled momentarily, lethargically sliding a little closer to Garou, its movements vaguely interested in the Hero Hunter, like it was analyzing him.

"And you act like you're even better..." Garou retorted, rolling his eyes as he cracked his neck. "Tell me, the hell do any of you think you can do against me right now?"

"Well, isn't that obvious?" Atomic Samurai huffed, his arrogant facade meaning nothing to the Human Monster. "Of course I do."

Garou sighed, and the air stayed tense, with Kamikaze taking a sharp inhale to prepare for whatever attack Garou could bring out.

It was for nothing.


Garou's eyes stared deep into Atomic Samurai's, holding his fractured arm in his right hand like it was that of a ragdoll's.

" what you can do?" Garou shook his head, a look of disgust on his face, disappointment sinking into him as he let go of the crushed appendage. "That's it? You couldn't even see me."

"Fuck!" The fourth highest-ranked hero cursed, dropping his sword to nurture his injured arm.

"None of you reacted to me," Garou sneered. "None of you tried to save your ally. And it's not like the goddamn monsters here, if you could even call them monsters, are doing anything, right?"

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