The Hunt (You can skip this if you want cause it's literally only plot)

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"Sitch, there's been another incident regarding the Hero Hunter."

"Another?" I ask, sighing. "The damn board...we need to do something of it."

"What do you recommend?"

How am I supposed to know? There's never been something that's taken out this many heroes before! What am I even supposed to do?

"I'm not sure. If you ask me...we need to get some S-Class heroes in there; I hear that one of Tank Top Master's apprentices has been incapacitated because of this. Maybe he'll take care of it in his own time," I rant. I seriously think that may be the best bet we have. Either that or have a strong monster take him out in collateral damage.

This is...the third time he's done something like this. I didn't think he would hunt down so many of them. From what I hear, Golden Ball and Spring Mustachio were already taken out. This time it was one of the Tank Top Crew.

This won't blow over well with Tank Top Master. I have faith.


"Oy, you. In the lame green outfit," I call out to the bicyclist. "You a hero?" He just oozes of justice and righteousness. It's deplorable.

"Yes. I am Mumen Rider."

Mumen Rider, Mumen Rider...isn't that the guy who fought against the Sea guy? I heard all about him. He's actually pretty admirable. Pretty tough, I think.

That's a shame.

"I'm here to hunt you," I simply explain; there's no point in making it longer than necessary. If he's a C-Class Hero, he probably isn't worth my time in the long run. Besides, he's helping me become a monster!

"You," someone calls out, stepping from the shadows. Is it another hero trying to protect Mumen Rider? Well, killing two birds with one stone sounds great!

Hm? Who's this guy? Why's he all bandaged up?

Wait a minute. I did that! This guy's one of those Tank Top guys! I remember him! Tank Top Vegetarian!

"Garou..." he scowls, and I nearly crack up at that in itself. This guy, coming back after I messed him up?! Don't heroes know when they're beat?!

"Whatcha want, Veggie?" I interrupt. "Didn't learn your lesson yet? Or do I gotta teach you once again?"

"It's not me you're facing," he coughs, holding his nose in fear. "It's all of us."

"Oh, so you and your muscle-head bros wanna wrestle?" I mock, taking a quick battle stance. "Class is in session, and I'm gonna teach you what pain is." Lame line, I know. Sounds like something you'd hear from one of the old guys at the golf club, but it's actually from Justice-Man! The main bad guy, my own personal hero, said it himself!


I cough, spitting out blood in an instant. That force. It's not something any of those Tank Top Fools could put out.

Wait. Where'd that hit come from? I roll on the pavement, feeling some of my clothes tear a little bit before regaining my sense of balance, skidding to a stop a little past Bike Boy.

"I heard you hurt my pupil. I will teach you a lesson."

Woah, woah, woah! There's only one person who that voice could belong to, and if I'm right, then damn I'm strong!

And it is!

"An S-Class hero? Man, I caught a big one!" I cheer, clenching my fists. Tank Top Master standing in front of me? Being able to fight both him and all of his pupils at the same time? Man, it's easy pickings tonight! I'll be fed for the next week if this stuff keeps happening!

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