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Hi, guys! Another chapter here!

I'm gonna be writing completely originally for this again, so big apologies if the quality of the chapter is lower considering how I have no source material to go off on.

That being said, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

(oH hoHO i sure love missing three points on my summative report just because my teammate d i d n o t a p p e a r over z o o m)

Initial Release Date: September 17, 2020


As the group of four leave the restaurant, Genos asks, "Sensei? What did Sweet Mask talk to you about?" And for a moment, just a moment, something occurs to Genos that he didn't think he'd ever notice: Saitama thinking over his words. By his expression, he was clearly choosing them carefully.

"Nothing, much," he explains. "Just caught me off guard with a bit of hero stuff." He scratches his ear a bit, glancing away from Genos a bit. Luckily for Saitama, Genos didn't seem to notice. Same with Fubuki.

Tatsumaki, on the other hand? She noticed his tell. After hanging out with him for so long, she knew exactly what his tell was. It was a pretty obvious one, considering how he never seemed to itch or feel any bodily irritation in the slightest. All he did was scratch his ear.

That by itself was enough to concern Tornado. He'd told little white lies before, stuff like groceries and stuff that ended up being really trivial, but something intuitive told her it was different this time around.

"Baldy, are you sure?" She asks discreetly, as Genos and Fubuki talk. "If you gotta talk, we can talk at my place."

He contemplates her words, then nod. He glances at Fubuki and Genos, where the former is still shocked that Sweet Mask came to talk to them. Genos, however, seemed a bit distraught at the odd amount of hatred and animosity he felt emanate from Sweet Mask.

"Oy, Genos, Fubuki," Saitama calls out, prompting their attention. "I'm gonna head to Tats' place. What are you two gonna do?"

Fubuki looks at her wristwatch and then points out, "It's still decently early. Genos, you down to come shopping with me?"

"I don't see why not," Genos shrugs. "I shall see you tomorrow, Sensei?"

"Yeah, I'll probably be back home by tomorrow morning. It's all good. Have fun, you two," Saitama nods to Genos and Fubuki.

"So, Baldy, you wanna head to my place now or are we just gonna stand here?" Tatsumaki asks, tapping her foot. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine, fine," he goes along with an amused smile on his face. "See you two."

As the two of them head off, Genos and Fubuki head their own way to their own little date. It only takes a few minutes for Saitama and Tatsumaki to get to the Terrible Tornado's place.

"I just realized, Tats...I don't think I ever remember being here. It's always you coming to my place," Saitama remarks, looking around. "Do you remember if I've ever been here?"

"I don't think so," the knowledge dawns on her. "Anyways, c'mon in. It's not like seeing my place is taboo or something."

"Do you have something to change into?" Saitama asks. "This thing isn't really too comfy. It's....ew to wear, in a way." Tatsumaki chuckles and that and shakes her head. Even though he asked, he didn't really think she'd have anything that'd fit him. It was practically asking for a miracle in terms of comfort.

However, a miracle is exactly what he got when Tatsumaki snaps her fingers, "Wait, I think I accidentally took one of your hoodies home with me once because I forgot to take it off! Lemme go look for it real quick." As she dashes into her room, Saitama takes a seat in her living room couch. The apartment size looks gigantic to the bald hero, far larger than what he had lived in for the past few years.

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