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G O D.

Online school may, in fact, be one of the most time-destroying things of all.

Like, I'm just gonna say it right now cause this is just fhekwapofdsa.

Tell me why some of my teachers are like, "this is an honors class, you should be able to handle all of this work because your other teachers are likely doing the same thing" when at least half of them are like "yeah you don't have homework for today or tomorrow because we don't meet then" like which one is it???

Not only that, w H Y on this Earth does Cornell notes exist??? Why would I use it for World History H when it's more fitting to use a timeline or flowchart??? Summary of main ideas? Main ideas of time??? yeah no we aren't telling themes with king tut having his half-sister as his wife I apologize

and lastly

w h y d o e s m y m a t h l a b e x i s t

like i love math and all, it's my favorite subject easily, probably one of my favorite things to do in general, but

m y m at h la b i s a p l a g u e o n t h i s e a r t h

And without further ado, let's get into it!

Initial Release Date: September 3, 2020


"Hey, Baldy, why'd you wanna go to that restaurant anyways? Isn't it a bit...too expensive for you?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips. "Plus, I heard this ramen restaurant was supposed to be a long wait since it's the grand opening. There aren't a lot of restaurants in City R in the first place..." I trail off, looking down at my outfit. It's not a casual one like I wore on the dates Saitama and I have gone on.

"Really, Tats, that's your question?" He asks, his tone strained and chafed. "My only question is how the hell you got me into this in the first place.: I chuckle, rolling my eyes at his discomfort.

What were we wearing? Simple. I was wearing a long dark green dress that I made sure didn't look like some sort of ugly fungi, which of course had some sort of cut to it. Didn't pay attention to how many, though.

And Saitama?

He was wearing an actual suit. Bowtie, white shirt under the suit, and even some fancy shoes. I made him buy those, too. God, it was funny to see him nearly break down over the price of the shoes over he had well over 1,000,000¥ in his bank account. That's like almost $10,000, if I remember right from that one time I had to go to America.

"Sensei, I have to admit: I never thought you'd ever wear anything other than Hawaiian shirts, shorts, or your hero outfit," Genos muses, and Fubuki, Genos, and I chuckle at the now slightly disturbed Saitama as he realizes the accuracy of his pupil's statement.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he rolls his eyes, though can't help but have a small smile grace his face. "C'mon, though. I made a whole reservation for the place."

"But you made it five hours later than when you and Genos sparred," Fubuki coughs to mention, smirking. Saitama puts up a finger and opens his mouth to interrupt, but soon puts it down in defeat. We're enjoying ourselves, and that's when I realize something.

"Genos, Fubuki, you guys told the public about you two being in a relationship, right?" I ask to make sure. It's connected to my train of thought, so I gotta make sure. As the two of them nod, I walk over to Saitama and let the other two talk to each other.

"Hey, Saitama," I whisper. I don't really call him anything other than Baldy; I'm trying to fix that habit, but that's besides the point.

"Yeah, Tats?" He asks.

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