First Hero Task

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Hey, everyone! 4th chapter and I'm getting into the hang of the writing schedule! I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and I hope you've been enjoying the story thus far.

Side note: I'm assuming that whoever I introduce will be familiar to you, so most descriptions of characters are likely going to be shortened and details are summarized when it comes to their attire, look, etc.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Punch Man, as it wouldn't be the amazing story it is in my hands.

Original release date: August 13, 2019


The door opened, signaling the end of the exam. Saitama had finally finished the written part of the exam to be met with the sight of Genos and Tornado in front of him. Tornado had her arms crossed, tapping her foot impatiently, while Genos was stoic as always, a small congratulatory smile towards his Sensei.

The shorter woman lectured, "What took you so long, Baldy?! Did you just slack off during the test?!" She pointed a finger at him in accusation, and for good reason. The written part of the exam was, in the opinion of the Hero Association, "A test of one's sense of justice, and their overall ability to perform in hypothetical situations."

In response, Saitama nonchalantly shrugged, "Not really. I just didn't pay too much heed to it." He scratched the back of his head, yawning in sheer boredom. The seriousness that was shown during the physical exam had all but vanished as the bald man seemed to care about absolutely nothing in the moment.

"Miss Tatsumaki," Genos addressed, still unsure of how to address the short-tempered woman. "In Saitama-Sensei's defense, the written exam didn't seem to be much of a hassle. It might as well have been on a primary school's entrance exam if they had one." To this, Tornado seemed to accept the bald man's apathy as nothing more than brushing off another simple task.

"Saitama and Genos, we shall be sending your exam results down the chute. Please receive your envelope in short order," a voice came from a speaker in the corner of the locker room. The three nodded to each other, making their way to the aforementioned chute.

Just as they arrived, two envelopes fell down the chute with incredibly convenient timing. As Saitama and Genos grabbed the envelopes, Tornado couldn't help but feel slightly accomplished for helping the two of them.

Genos opened the envelope and pulled out the paper, smiling in pride at the result. He had received a perfect grade of 100/100, even with the extra tests he took regarding his mechanical components. 100% on the physical exam, and 100% on the written exam. He had instantly received the honor of being in S-Class.

"Ah, Sensei, it appears I am in S-Class," Genos informed. As Saitama opened the envelope, Tatsumaki pulled out her phone out of a pocket that she had somewhere on her dress, even though the dress appeared to have no room for a pocket.

"Genos, it looks like I'm in S-Class as well," Saitama claimed, half of the paper out of the envelope. As his student walked over to him to take a glance, Genos smiled.

"Hm, and it appears that the top curve is larger than mine. Perhaps that means you have ranked higher than me?" Genos questioned, which set off waves of alarms to Tatsumaki when it clicked.

"Hold up, I gotta go," Tornado told whoever she was talking to, putting away the phone wherever she pulled it from. "Now, cyborg, what do you mean, 'The top curve is larger,' like a larger font?!" Her mind was going off, in complete denial of what her instincts were yelling at her. She quickly moved to the bald man, snatching the envelope out of his hands.

As she pulled the paper out, she was met with a big, fat, disgusting 'C' plastered over the majority of the paper. It was a huge slap in the face for Tatsumaki, especially considering the absolute shock. The bald man in question was easily one of the strongest people she'd ever seen, if not the absolute strongest.

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