The Eye Before

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Hey, guys, chapter 21 here!

Did y'all like the last chapter? Hope you guys liked it! Cause I'm really gonna do my best to bring my A-Game with this one, and I really hope that you guys enjoy it!

Anything going on in your life? Last week was my performance for Mary Poppins Jr. (I was George) and it was super fun! It was tough to learn my lines but the cast was so supportive and I'm really glad to have them. I'm really glad to have you guys too!

So, let's go!

Hey just to note: The following few chapters are mainly going to be my work, and will probably not get back to mainly plot for quite a while.

Initial Release Date: April 22, 2020


"Hey, Tats, you should really take a break."

"Don't t-tell *HIC* me wut to doo, ya fuckin' avocado!" Tornado slurred, nearly falling over. She was still on the stool, absolutely wasted as Saitama warned her to stop, but to no avail. With a bright blush on her face, a slur to practically every word she said, and her sense of balance having left ages ago, the powerful Terrible Tornado had turned into the Tipsy Tatsumaki.

"Tats, seriously, you should really stop before you get hurt," Saitama urged again, his eyebrows slightly furrowing.

"Don-Don't ya worr-worry bout *HIC* me, baldy!" She slurred again, almost falling out of her stool again. Even though Saitama tried to reach for the bottle, she was still capable enough (which was incredibly surprising, considering her motor abilities had vanished) to pull the bottle away, only to fall out of her chair but only barely missing the ground due to Saitama's reaction speed and ability to catch her.

"T-thank," she stuttered, "b-bu don't pulllll that stuff a- *HIC* gain, mmkay?" She slammed her head on the table in faux frustration, and groaned. She was suffering from the most annoying headache from the blow, one that made the bartender cringe from how loud it was.

"Alright, missy, I think that's enough for ya," the tan bartender declared but in a simple tone, one that held no anger. "And you, make sure ya take care of her, mmkay? Don't want the world's strongest psychic gone cause she tripped and hit her head, ha!" He glanced at Saitama, who shared an awkward smile. He didn't know what to do in the situation, but he reminded the bald hero slightly of Tetsuya.

"Yeah, I gotcha," he finished, sliding over the bottle that Tatsumaki had emptied over to the bartender before the heroine lifted her head. Most of the place was empty other than the four heroes who had entered in addition to a few stragglers.

"C'mon, Tats, we gotta go, now," Saitama began, but before he could get up, Tornado groaned again, even louder this time. "Tats, c'mon, you're drunk, it's okay, we'll take care of this, but we'll take care of this AFTER we get back to our room, yeah?"

"YOU'RE DRUNK!" She blurted out in retaliation, appearing to be completely offended at the mere thought of her being the slightest bit intoxicated, before deflating. "Y'know what, fine...but don't try to carry me or any dumbass thing like that..." she drifted off, the pendulum of her mood swings slowing to a stop for a moment. Just long enough for Fubuki and Genos to have come behind them and the former to tap Saitama on the shoulder.

"You really let her drink, Saitama?" She asked, slightly accusatory, only to receive a shrug. "Damn it, you should've known she couldn't handle her booze."

"Saitama-Sensei, if I may not intrude on your actions, but may I analyze Miss Tatsumaki's intoxication levels? I recently installed technology to ensure the overall health of those around me," Genos explained. As Saitama nodded, Genos' eye glowed for a bit before a scanner went over Tornado a few times while Genos analyzed the data.

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