First of Many?

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Yep, it's another chapter! I'm hoping that this one goes well since I'm planning for this one to be mostly, if not entirely, originally my writing and barely based off of the actual manga. So, yeah, if the chapter sucks, that's probably why. Please understand that it's probably going to suck. Sorry about that.

And honestly, in terms of my personal life, not much goin' on. Hope I do well on my math exam and hope that my theatre performance in a few weeks goes well! What's going on in your life? Hope everything's going good with all of you guys too!

Initial Release Date: November 12, 2019 (The day before my performance!) (Also if you're wondering why I even have this it's sort of because it puts me on a sort of deadline and gets me to be productive and not lazy)


"Master! The phone is ringing!" Genos called out as he washed dishes, turning his head towards his unconscious teacher. Sighing, he turned the faucet off and wiped his hands off with the nearby towel. The cyborg took off the pink bandana around his head that kept anything from somehow landing on his hair, which seemed to be real enough.

The cyborg picked up the phone and asked, "Hello? Who is this? If you are wishing to contact Master Saitama, he is currently asleep. Please call back at a la--"

"Yeah, yeah, cyborg," the already impatient voice of Tatsumaki interrupted, and he could feel the attitude from the speaker. "Can't you just wake him up and put him on the phone already? I'll wait." He heard incessant tapping from the phone, presumably from her tapping her flats repeatedly while waiting.

Sighing, Genos turned around and grabbed his teacher's shoulder, quickly shaking it. In an instant, it appeared that his technique had worked, though not as he hoped for it to. His teacher yawned, slowly sitting up. Genos could swear that he had heard at least 12 vertebrae crack in his teacher's back as he sat up. His eyes were slightly groggy, but in a few moments, he seemed to slowly trickle back to reality.

"Huh? What's up, Genos?" Saitama muttered, but his eyes were back to normal and it seemed they were both much more alert when they heard the loud voice of Tornado, who had clearly become more impatient as they could hear her through the speaker, despite the fact that the phone was on the table a few feet away and that Genos hadn't even put the call on speaker.

Nodding back at Genos, Saitama scooted closer to his phone, not yet removing his blanket. In response, the cyborg took that as his signal to return to his task of washing dishes. However, before he could, his own phone started ringing and he took that as a secondary cue to excuse himself for his own call.

"So, what's up, Tats?" Saitama asked, picking up his phone. "What time do you wanna go to the sushi place?"

"Are you dumb, baldy?" She uttered impatiently. "We already agreed that we'd be meeting up in half an hour, and that I'm dropping by your place to pick you up, alright?"

She took his utter silence as acceptance, "Good. Now, come on, baldy. Get ready! I'm not getting dressed up to see you in your goofy ass hero costume!"

"Alright, alright," Saitama accepted, slightly annoyed at the nagging but persisted. "I'll find something to wear real quick, okay? And it'll be something nice, too."

"Finally. Thanks, baldy," Tatsumaki finished before speaking up again a few moments later. "And...sorry for nagging you. I...haven't really hung out with somebody else at a restaurant in a while and I don't want it to be a total disaster." Again, it happened. It was weird to Saitama to hear Tornado, the violent, short-tempered telekinetic prodigy, be apologetic. It was odd to him, yet he tried to get used to it since he believed this just happened between her and everyone else.

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