Dueling Patience

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Hi, there, guys!

So, after like a bit of feedback a while back, combined with such procrastination that I didn't get to it until like four months later, but somehow got to the other chapters, I have now started to get into the duel part between Saitama and Genos! I thought it would be best to have it now considering how Genos is buffed up from getting G4 parts, and also because I completely forgot about it.

And lastly, this is released earlier because this day actually marks the one-year mark for this! This story is now one year old!

Initial Release Date: July 23, 2020


"Sensei," I hear a voice come out of nowhere. It's familiar, but my eyes are still absolutely shut closed. I feel way too tired to deal with it.

And then I realize: There is absolutely nobody in this world who calls me that other than one person. It's not registered in my body or my conscious yet, but it's made its way through my mind.

"Huh?" I yawn, but my muscles are barely awake.

I mean, normally they would be fully awake. Actually, I remember having this dream a while back that I woke up from and my muscles were completely awake, to the point where I had punched through the wall by accident. It was a really exciting dream.

But right now was not that sort of time, because I wasn't being jolted awake. When something like that doesn't happen, it usually takes me a few minutes to get up. Even more right now because I stayed up pretty late playing one of King's games that he lent me.

"Sensei," the voice comes again, and my body finally recognizes it as Genos.

"Yeah?" I yawn, slowly beginning to stretch. Just as I ask my question, I hear my phone go off. "Who's that?"

"Well, I was going to ask you a question, but I believe you should answer this call first," Genos explains, handing me my phone. "It's from your girlfriend." He said it in a bit of a humorous way, and I shot him a glare that really held nothing. None of my actions really did. As I snatched the phone from him, he raised his eyebrow with a bit of amusement behind it.

I finally start to really wake up and feel more alert as I speak, "Hello?"

"Hey, Baldy, I gotta question for you," I hear Tats' voice. I smile a bit, but it's a small smile. I sit up, stretching a bit more but trying to keep silent while I do so.

"What do you wanna ask?" I urge her to continue.

"You know the thing that the Hero Association wanted to talk to you about with the monster stuff and all?" I have no idea. I stay silent, hoping that she reminds me just by talking about it.

"Well?" She asks again, her tone a bit more harsh and impatient. After a few more seconds of being silent, I hear her sigh and I honestly don't know if I did something bad. It isn't like Tats likes the Hero Association, so why is she supporting them?

"You forgot, didn't you?" Even though she can't see me, I shrug a bit, trying to shift the blame off of me or at least a bit of forgiveness. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work.

"You forgot," she dryly said, and I could just tell that she was doing that thing she always does when she's annoyed, or impatient. You know, tapping her foot while having her arms crossed. She probably just had her phone on her shoulder just so she could do it.

I hesitantly admitted, knowing my pride would end up ironically being harmed, "Yeah. What's up?"

"Just check your goddamn texts, Baldy," she lectured. "They sent you the text, after all." She hangs up unexpectedly. She's been doing that more often lately; but she usually just comes over without warning because of that, as if it's just an announcement that she's gonna come over and visit, and probably help me with that.

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