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jungwoo stared blankly as his husband flirted with a new fling. it crushed his heart that he wasn't the one doing the flirting, that he's not the one touching his husband's arms. his head was hurting due to the intense preventing of his hot tears.

good god, can't he at least wait 'til the party's over? jungwoo thought as his eyes sent daggers to the man's back.

it's no lie the man his husband was flirting with is hot. he's a model after all and they got along well considering they're both chinese so it was an automatic lose for jungwoo. but jungwoo knew that, and he accepted that fact since the very beginning.

"hey, where's lucas?"

out of nowhere, johnny appeared behind him and sat down. it was only two of them at their table as the rest of their friends got up to go places.

"he's in the restroom. where's ten?"

"with the jung sisters and sungchan." the man smiled and grabbed his wine glass. speaking of sungchan, jungwoo felt wretched thinking he was never going to have a child with the man he loves.

"can you believe it? jae and tae got married. ten and i are having a baby in several months. it's all good stuff now, huh?" johnny talked as if he had forgotten the situation of the man. jungwoo eyes fell to the ground and he forced his lips to stop quivering.

in realization, johnny widened his eyes in panic and apologized to the boy. "oh shit, i'm sorry. i--"

"it's fine, johnny hyung." the younger said with a smile before excusing himself to the toilet.

jungwoo found lucas and his fling in the secluded area and cleared his throat.

"hey jungwoo, this is yangyang. he's a model in taeyong's. yangyang, this is jungwoo, my husband." jungwoo wasn't surprised with the greeting under his name, because lucas would most likely mention their set-up to the man. lucas does it everytime with a new fling, and this was probably the 8th.

"yeah, i know him." jungwoo said and handed out his hand. "it's nice to meet you."

"it's nice to meet you too. is this going to be fine with you?" the boy asked. no, it won't. the older thought, but he wouldn't say that, of course.

"of course, lucas has introduced me to a lot, it's no big deal." he smiled. "uhm, lucas, i'm leaving in a few."

jungwoo didn't even bother for a reply and he left with a fake smile. as he took steps away from the two, he heard them talking.

"you're right, he'll be fine with us. good thing he's not in the way, then." yangyang said in chinese but jungwoo understood perfectly. good thing i know chinese. i know what you could be hiding. he thought before opening the bathroom doors.

he stared at himself through the mirror and observed his reflection. his hair was orange to red and his eyes were sparkling through the hot tears beginning to form. he tried to blink them away but instead, it fell. he brought his face down the sink and opened the faucet for water. he washed his face but he can't wash the tears away. it kept coming out and he'd wash his face over and over again.

by the time he got his head back up, he saw how red his eyes were. and tears were forming again.

he grabbed a paper towel from the side and dried his face with it. the tears were gone but his bloodshot eyes were still evident.


he turned to face the voice and it was sicheng. "hey cheng. what's up?" he continued to dry his face as if everything was normal.

"you don't normally wash your face when you have make up on, what's wrong?" sicheng came closer. "your eyes are red, too."

"no. it's just the contacts. it's new and my eyes are irritated."

"uh huh, why are you washing your face, then?" the other deadpanned.

"i was getting sleepy. you left me alone in the table." jungwoo tried to reason out but sicheng wasn't having it. he knew the boy was not okay but he let it slide. obviously, jungwoo didn't want to talk about it and it would stress him out.

"the party's almost over. are you staying the night here?" sicheng asked as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"no, i'm going home."

sicheng looked at his best friend weirdly. it's jae and tae's wedding and he's not staying? he asked himself. a lot of the guests were staying and jungwoo would miss out. but he saw what his cousin was doing and he definitely know what was going on.

"you sure? you can just ignore lucas until the next day. there's breakfast buffet tomorrow." sicheng pouted.

"you know me so well, but no. i think i'll be fine at home. i'll just make up an excuse for jae and tae in the morning." jungwoo said and forced a smile.

the two made their way to the entrance and waited for the car. sicheng made sure jungwoo was driving away safe as he sees so he insisted to walk him out of the hotel.

in a minute, the valet was out and gave jungwoo back his keys. "i'm leaving now." jungwoo said and hugged his friend beside him.

"yeah, drive safe. and don't worry too much about lucas, please i don't want you crying alone tonight." the other sighed but jungwoo just smiled.

"can't guarantee that." he smirked as if he was okay and entered his car.

"jungwoo's not staying?" yuta came out from behind sicheng and they watched as jungwoo drove away. "nah, he's upset so i let him leave."

yuta saw the expression on his boyfriend's face and tried to cheer him up. "he'll be okay, honey."

"i sure hope too."

(A/N: holaaa, this is it. have fun!)

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