. t h r e e .

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it's been 2 days and the couple was already out of the country for their honeymoon. which means, they were in charge of the baby. it was hard for taeyong to leave the baby alone with them but he trusted the guys. they all remember the scene playing in their minds as taeyong repeatedly reminded them about the baby.

"diapers are in the cabinet, inside his room. and the feeding bottles, you can get that from here..." taeyong was going on and on and on about everything, trying to remind the 4 with everything they needed to remember about the baby's needs.

"so you can either bring him to your places or keep him in here, your choice. just don't forget about the essentials. the diaper genie is in there if you need it and he has onesies in his room, you change him in one when he sleeps. and--"

"taeyong, we've been over this multiple times. stop worrying about sungchan, we got him." ten sighed.

"i know you do. i'm just worried, i'll be away from him in a week. that's too long." taeyong sighed back.

"well that's what we're here for. dude chill out, think of this as a practice for me. i'm having my baby in a couple months." ten grinned making taeyong scoff.

"so that makes sungchan a practice baby?"

"well that one's on you. you had a baby first before us, that is the rule though." sicheng smirked.

jungwoo chuckled at the thought. he doesn't have a baby so he doesn't get taeyong right now, but hopefully when he does, he'll understand what being a parent is like. huh, when will that happen? he thought.

tomorrow is his turn in taking care of sungchan and he was nervous. taeyong could actually be mad at him if he messes up. it would be great if the jung sisters take care of the baby since it's in their nature, but jessica already left for new york and krystal has gone back to work now.

"he's nervous, help him out, jackass." ten said to sicheng, pointing at jungwoo.

"you'll be fine for goodness' sake. it's just sungchan. he won't eat you, he's so tiny." sicheng said, sitting beside him.

they were in taeyong's penthouse but the tops and doyoung were nowhere to be found.

ten went in the room and placed the baby down his crib. he kept the baby monitor with him and left the room.

"and you won't be alone in taking care of him. you have lucas." ten said and sat down from in front of them.

sicheng and jungwoo looked at him dead in the eyes with brows raised.

"oh come on, i know he's with his new boyfriend, but he couldn't possibly let you do this on your own. taeyong specifically said everybody in our circle has to contribute in taking care of his baby. and he's still your husband. you know you're not getting divorced any time soon." ten pulled out his phone and decided to dial his husband.

jungwoo sighed and laid down on his back, feet resting on sicheng's thighs. his head was hurting with all lucas running inside it.

"hey baby," he heard the man said.

"are you heading home?... i'm not home, can you bring us dinner?... we're with the baby at taeyong's... bring them both... take care, i love you."

"did you tell him to bring baby back ribs?" sicheng asked.

"no. but i told him to bring yuta."

"that works."

they looked around, trying to find something to do. and once they did, they saw how messy the whole place is. if taeyong was there, they would immediately get nagged on for being how messy the place is. they promised to keep the place clean once taeyong gets back from their honeymoon, but for now, they didn't really have time because they were busy taking care of sungchan.

in a few minutes, johnny and friends came up to the penthouse with bags in hand.

"you guys are fucked if taeyong sees this." yuta said quickly, looking around through the mess.

the food bags were placed on the center table, that wasn't really in the center anymore. ten snuggled close to johnny when the man sat down. for the first time, yangyang was not with lucas tonight.

"where's your boyfriend?" jungwoo asked his husband as he opened from container to container.

"dropped him off in his house." lucas didn't even bother looking at his husband as he started digging in to his food. sicheng eyed his cousin and raised an eyebrow.

for the rest of their time inside the penthouse, they were the same. they talked as they ate, they played board games, and it is, to say, a little bit boring without the two men with them. they felt incomplete.

as they finished their meal, sicheng and jungwoo decided to clean up and spare ten with the chores since he's pregnant. ten had his winning smile on as he got out of cleaning. suddenly, a loud cry was heard and ten was the one to look for him. the baby was awake.

ten went in the room with johnny and left the two boys in the living room.

"why didn't you bring your boyfriend here?" yuta asked as he cleaned the table.

lucas sighed before leaning back the couch. "i didn't want jungwoo to see him." as he said that, yuta eyed him from the side but continued wiping the table.

"when are you gonna accept it, cas? i'm telling you, a man can get tired. jungwoo will get tired, eventually." yuta said.

"what are you guys talking about?" sicheng popped out and sat beside yuta.

"your cousin's a dumbass, babe." yuta said before walking out of the room going to the kitchen.

their turn came. they were concluded to be the ones to take care of the baby for the day. and since it's their first time, it was a little awkward for the both of them. especially since they have no experience at all.

jungwoo has been avoiding his own husband discreetly now. slowly and slowly, he's been backing away for the sake of the boyfriend. lucas has never been away from his own husband for so long and so far before. he wasn't noticing it yet but jungwoo knows it would bum him out.

back in college, before jungwoo and lucas got married, they grew closer and they became friends. they almost became as close as best friends. they used to do everything together. probably because there's no one really else to be with them except themselves because yuta and sicheng were becoming a thing by that time.

somehow, jungwoo really thought it could be something else. something more than being just friends. although there was a possibility that it won't be, and it's happening now, he still accepted the fact that it was game over for him.

jungwoo knew he didn't really stand a chance with his exes, even flings. for him, it's just so hard competing silently without lucas knowing because lucas never really knew that jungwoo had feelings for him from the start. or so he thought.

he suddenly remembered that one ex. that one single ex that brought him down. the one he cried over even if he wasn't his own ex. his head hurt instantly, he didn't really wanna remember anything from school now.

instead, he just paid attention to the baby on the couch.

"you hungry baby? don't worry, uncle lucas will be here with our food any minute now." jungwoo squished the baby's tummy lightly and earned a cute laugh.

he cursed himself for not bringing the formula with him the night before. lucas actually has it with him now and is on his way to jungwoo's house with food.

when will that be real as if he were my real husband? jungwoo sighs at the thought.

when lucas reached jungwoo's house, they started digging in the food since they were both starving. jungwoo made seem like nothing was bothering him, he was an excellent liar anyway.

(A/N: i decided to add saturdays for my update days now for this story hehe)

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