. s i x t e e n .

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as expected, the business is somewhat already going bad. but it's nothing a little talk and bribery lucas' father can't do. at this day of age, cheating isn't a serious bone of contention in the business life like how it usually is in personal life. apparently, it's lucas who was the problem, that's why it has been circulating around from businessman to businessman.

since lucas is still younger than most of them, a lot of his father's associates didn't think he can handle that big of a company as well as his dad did. they thought he has a lot more to learn.

he was doing good in the position his father handed him, but he was under the radar since he was young. frankly, those business associates are a little too paranoid thinking lucas would fuck up. so one wrong move, personal or work, it would be an issue.

now that he did fuck up a little of it, he doesn't know how to redeem himself to them. he has to show them again and prove that he is, in fact, a responsible ceo and he wouldn't let the business burn down to the pit of his shit of a mess. as important his personal life is, it shouldn't be getting in the way of his business life.

none of his other friends have seen him yet. they wanted to visit him but he kept ditching them and moving hotels whenever they find out where he stays. they still don't know that he and jungwoo got back together and only sicheng knows. he actually wants to keep it a secret for a little more time.

right now, he's not doing anything. he was just inside his hotel room, ordering room service for most of the day, opening pricey things from his minibar and carrying a rather immense amount of bill from it all.

he was creating a plan in his head on how to fix stuff and he was running out of time. he was running out of time and yet he was watching tv like an unemployed idiot. he was worrying in the back of his head but he was making sure he was going to create a plan.

for now, he only wanted to relax before his dooms day come. he flipped over different films, different series. watched horror, dramas, but ended up watching a ton of comedies. watching comedies sure make people take their minds off of things.

suddenly, he got a knock on his door. he groaned because he just got down from making popcorn. he stood up once again and met with the person on the other side of his door. he checked the peep hole and it was his secretary.

"ms. kang? what are you doing here?" he asked as he opened the door.

"good day, mr. wong. a letter came in for you today. it's from your father, he told me to give it personally." the lady handed an envelope. he took the envelope and read the own handwriting of his father from the cover of the letter.

"do you know what it is?" lucas asked.

"he wouldn't let me read it, sir. he specifically asked me to keep it neat as it is confidential. he also told me that you should read it tonight. not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, but tonight sir. he said that he would decrease my salary if i don't tell you everything he dictated." the lady said with much skittishness.

lucas looked over the envelope again and made a face. "well, i feel sorry for you. belatedly." he sighed. "alright, you can go. thank you for this, ms. kang."

the secretary bid farewell and lucas closed the door.

he walked back to his bed and paused his movie. he ripped the side the envelope and took out a folded paper. wow, what an unusual way to talk to your son. lucas thought.

the paper was unfolded and he took in the rather beautiful handwriting of his dad.

"hi son.

you must hate me, i know. i didn't realize i hurt you over the years. i haven't been the best dad to you and it wasn't fair. i didn't give all my attention to hendery, i was actually telling him to keep close to you because it was the summer of the year and i was going to be gone for a little while. i wasn't going to be there for you two so you had to have each other. i hope you know that i didn't mean to hurt you intentionally. i love you both so much.

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