. e l e v e n .

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for a week, lucas have been begging his friends to tell him where jungwoo flew to. he has sent food, flowers, even expensive material things to each and every one of them just for them to tell him. he's spent so much on his friends already all because he wants to know where jungwoo is. but of course, the brother, doyoung, would have to get in the way of that.

since that night of the get together, since the night lucas finally admitted his love for his husband, he wanted to find him. he swore to himself he will find him one way or another. he even swore he'd start searching across countries if his friends still don't tell him in the next 7 days.

he took off of work and totally ditched his meeting only to be rescheduled some other day. he was back to drinking alcohol in broad daylight. he only gets phone calls from his secretary from time to time and he'd still only be laying down the couch in front his wide flat screen tv eating fast food. it's his 5th time ordering burger king for the day. the day before, he was fed up with mcdonald's, and the day before that was kfc.

his phone rings and as he turned to look, it was only his secretary again. he sighed and picked up the phone.

"yes?" he says.

"mr. wong, the packages are here. may we have the names of who we should send them to?" his secretary speaks.

lucs then remembered the last batch of packages he's going to be sending his friends. "the baby clothes and toys goes to ten and johnny. the high chair and bassinet goes to taeyong. and send the takoyaki pan to yuta. did i miss anything?"

lucas swore this will be the last he will buy his friends expensive things. it wasn't even their idea, lucas just thought he's been trying to find jungwoo for the last week and he's about out of ideas now. he also got tired of personally going to their houses to bribe them with expensive essentials just so he could that one information. he was so tired that he let his secretary handle it now.

"there's also the apple watch sir. it's the first to arrive."

"oh right. that's to kim doyoung. can you write a note on that that says, 'last one please'? thanks ms. kim." lucas said and the secretary replied with a, "yes sir. noted. thank you."

once he hung up the phone, he sighed for what seemed like the 8th time that morning. he remembered he didn't get anything for his cousin, the other important person in jungwoo's life--the best friend. of course. lucas you dumb dumb. he practically slapped himself in his head.

night came and on the other side of the city, not really other side, there was the rest of the circle, without lucas, having dinner on a rooftop restaurant basically talking about their one friend sulking on his couch.

"it's just so sad. he's doing all these and we're not giving him anything." yuta says.

"lucas told me it's the last batch of packages he got for us. what did you guys get? taeyong got baby things for us." jaehyun said as he fed his baby. "we got baby stuff too." johnny replied.

"i got a takoyaki pan. but i heard someone got a brand new apple watch." yuta said with a full smirk.

the rest of them chuckled and didn't even try to guess. "crap, i heard about that. i can't believe he'd buy a wholeass expensive smartwatch for doyoung. he's rich as it is, he's a vip for apple." ten sassed.

"i know. lucas is already desperate. if we don't tell him this week, he's gonna start wasting even more money on trips to countries jungwoo's not even in. he already spent millions on us for nothing." taeyong pitched in.

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