. t w e l v e .

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lucas asked his secretary to book him a flight to bali as soon as possible and now there he was. in bali. trying to search for the love of his life. for sure, it wasn't going to be easy and it's going to be a long while before he actually finds jungwoo.

before he left for bali, he was stopped by multiple guards with the order from kim doyoung himself. the brother found out about the chinese man's whereabouts and decided to put a stop to whatever he was gonna do. sicheng sure did receive an earful but he didn't pay attention to the korean man's rebuke.

when the rest of his friends stopped doyoung, his cousin pushed him to pass security and do whatever he thinks is right.

he didn't turn back and walked straight ahead of him. he didn't care about the people surrounding him taking photos and videos, much more the reporters who followed them to the airport.

he only planned to go through the airport wearing casual clothes without any bodyguard so he wouldn't draw much attention but with doyoung's doings, it went useless. the security guards, instead, acted as a bodyguard for him with the order of his cousin.

now, he was on the beach. it was already his 4th day in indonesia, he practically got tired so he took a day to rest and continue the next day. he went hotel hopping from different places, riding on numerous public utility vehicles moving all around the island.

bali is big and he didn't really know where to start looking so he just started from nowhere. wherever his feet would take him. he was practically touring himself but it didn't leave his mind that his primary goal was to find his husband.

it was close to night and he walked along the shore trying to calm his nerves. he was going to find jungwoo and he needs to have patience with that. jungwoo had a lot of patience with him, anyway.

he found a beach house from afar sitting on top of a huge stone and it looked beautiful. that type of house was something jungwoo would like. surely, the little one inside his mind is getting tired of running around in his mind all day but it wasn't stopping anytime soon. he walked closer to the house and admired the structure.

it had a pool, and he can tell it had a pool although the house was pretty high because the pool had glass walls. there were trees around it and the house seemed like an open space going to the pool. the exterior contained white and wooden walls.

suddenly, a man appeared from the pool. he knew the face was familiar but he couldn't seem to point out where he's seen the guy. out of nowhere, another man appeared, and this time--lucas froze. it was jungwoo.

jungwoo and the guy looked very close. his blood boiled at the sight of jungwoo with another man. he was indeed selfish. jungwoo was never selfish with him, but him--it's been different since he left.

he looks so happy. truly, jungwoo looked happy. his smile was pure although it's tainted with agony. it wasn't evident as much to the other people but lucas can see it brightly. he missed the man's smile, surely, he missed the man himself. he looks so happy without me. thinking this, it pained lucas straight to the heart.

the man took his leave and jungwoo was left standing by the pool admiring the sea. jungwoo was breath-taking and he looked peaceful. if lucas tried to show himself to jungwoo at that moment, that precious smile would be gone. it would disappear like how jungwoo did that one night.

lucas smiled sadly and exhaled deeply. he wouldn't wanna ruin his husband's stress-clearing vacation.

he decided to head out of the beach and back to his hotel.

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