. t h i r t e e n .

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jungwoo was on his way back to his guest house. his look alike cousin already left for his flight to singapore. he had a bottle of cabernet in hand and his feet were walking along the fine sand. he had his shoes in his other hand and he admired the waves as it tried to reach his feet. the sound calmed him down and took all his cares away.

never knew a long vacation can take my mind off of everything in korea. he thought.

he was kicking sands around and downing his drink. he stared at the dark blue sky and  heaved out very long sigh. surrounding him was the cool breeze coming from the sea. but he felt like there was more other than the breeze he can feel.

he get this weird feeling that someone he knows or someone connected to him was somewhere near though he couldn't point out. he looked around and tried searching for anyone he knows that could probably know him. or maybe someone trying to murder him?

that's impossible. he thought. isn't it?

behind him, he could see a familiar physique from afar. he held his shoes in one hand and he seemed to be wearing something casual.

the man walked closer to jungwoo slowly and jungwoo now thinks he's hallucinating.

oh crap, how much have i drank? jungwoo said inside his head. "jungwoo." the man said softly.

great, now i can hear him. jungwoo almost cursed his conscience.

jungwoo blinked more than once and tried so hard to make the man disappear from his sight. he was certain that he was already seeing things. "jungwoo, it's me." the man said.


lucas grabbed his hand and gently took his bottle of wine from his hand. jungwoo only stared and still can't believe he was seeing the man he was seeing now.

"honey, you've drank enough." lucas says.

for a while, they fell silent. lucas was waiting for his response but jungwoo just stared at him as if he grew a dozen heads. "what are you doing here?" he finally said.

"i wanted to see you." lucas replied. "i saw you in a rest house. i followed you."

no words were delivered after that. jungwoo took his bottle and walked away. not only did he not wanna see his husband, he didn't wanna think of him.

he was already having a good time being alone in a country where he should be far away from lucas, and now he's thinking about him again.

i'm gonna kill whoever told lucas. jungwoo thought. he clicked his tongue and shook his head. there was no way he was going back to his rest house now. maybe in the morning when the night has passed.

he puts his shoes on and left the almost empty bottle of cabernet on the ground before dusting his clothes off. he sighed and walked off of the beach. he walked and walked until his feet took him to a hotel.

the night after that, lucas followed his husband again. jungwoo got drunk for the second time in bali now. and he was seen drinking in the bar of the hotel he was in.

from the far corner of jungwoo's sight, he knows he can see his husband checking up on him from a few feet away. even if he can't see him, he can feel his presence.

jungwoo was already a little wasted to even care. if he didn't know better, he would ask lucas to have a one night stand up in his room. but even if he's drunk, he wouldn't do it. he had no guts to.

all of a sudden, it's like all his cares flew off and left his body. he grabbed his scotch on the rocks with a twist that seemed to be his 11th glass for the night and walked off of the bar.

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