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it was another day in the lives of 8 friends. taeyong and jaehyun just got back from their honeymoon and already had a scheduled dinner with the rest of their circle. by now, their circle was expanding as they add people in it. it now includes doyoung and mark.

somehow, the rest of the circle were already warming up to yangyang. that is because taeyong told them to. yangyang is actually pretty kind to them and was fun to be with. he wasn't forced to ride their jokes because he was actually having fun with them too.

ten seemed to have warmed up to yangyang the most along with sicheng. they didn't have a problem with him anymore and now the only one a little comfortable with him is the boyfriend's husband.

although jungwoo reassured him that the husband label meant nothing but inheritance and business, yangyang was still tiptoeing around him. jungwoo needed to think of another way to make yangyang warm up to him.

for jungwoo, of course it's still hard. he'll always have feelings for his husband. but it just seemed like game over for him now. considering that yangyang and lucas' relationship looked like it will lead them down the aisle, he started to think that it's all over for him and lucas.

he and lucas went to taeyong's building in the afternoon together. lucas planned to take is boyfriend out on a lunch date and jungwoo planned the same for him and taeyong.

when they reached the office, taeyong was talking to what seemed like a new guy. for jungwoo, he seemed new, but for lucas knows him too well.

"lucas! you didn't tell me hendery's your brother!" taeyong smiled as he saw lucas by the door. this made lucas grip on the door handle tighten as he sees his brother turn to see them.

"wait, that's hendery?" jungwoo asked as he turned to lucas. he was obviously in shock but it didn't stop him from coming closer to the man.

"and you must be jungwoo." hendery stood up and shook hands with jungwoo. "i finally met the husband. it's nice to finally meet you."

"howcome i didn't see you at our wedding?" he asked. "i was in europe. i'm sorry, i couldn't come." hendery said with a small smile.

"oh, it's alright. don't worry about it. do you have anything to do? you can come with us for lunch?" jungwoo offered but was shut down when hendery said, "i'm actually meeting at lunch with mark and his boyfriend. we're doing a collab together so i need to meet him. sorry. but we can have lunch some other time?"

"that would be great! lucas we should totally have lunch with your brother some other time!"

they were all cut off with taeyong's words. "anyway, he has to go and meet mark. and jungwoo we need to go have lunch too. what about you lucas?" taeyong asked as he got his belongings.

"i'm picking my boyfriend up for lunch too. i should probably go now. i'll see you later." with a dash, he was gone.

taeyong thought it was weird but he shrugged it off. "so i'll meet you monday next week? since you're friends with mark, you should let him tour you around the city too."

"i'll make sure to tell him. i'll see you next week!"

when jungwoo and taeyong went out, they were met with a cold breeze. they planned to have lunch in their favorite restaurant and also because they haven't had time together alone for a long time.

"was is just me or lucas doesn't seem close with his brother?" taeyong asked.

jungwoo could only shrug. he never knew the man, lucas didn't even bother to tell him about his own brother considering it's been years since they got married. maybe he didn't really plan to tell me. he thought. but why? he seemed nice.

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