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lucas had no idea what was happening. it was a day after the anniversary party and he woke up being welcomed with divorce papers. he didn't spot jungwoo after the rounds of shots the night before so it confused him as to why there were divorce papers delivered to his home. 

he opened the documents and it seemed like the papers were already signed by his husband. suddenly, it felt like his heart shattered into pieces. he didn't know if it was order of their parents or was just... him.

is he leaving me? he thought. no answer came into mind after that. it was only full of questions filled with the thought of jungwoo.

he contacted the husband that same morning but he wouldn't pick up. he tried to reach him through different message platforms but they were all turned off. not one of those messages were returned. lucas began to worry.

what if something happened to him? a rush of thoughts came flooding his mind, what if this was an order from a different business partner that threatened him to divorce me? and crazy thoughts.

he still couldn't believe it and so he picked up the envelope to look at the signatures again. he hoped the signatures were fake and not jungwoo's official ones. he didn't really bother checking it the first try because it was pretty clear that a sign from the other blank space means he really wanted to cut ties. he hoped that maybe, just maybe, they were wrong signs.

as he rushed to take the papers out, a small note fell. it was a brown note with jungwoo's handwriting all over it. he knew it too well.

"lucas, sign these. our play is now over, you can cut ties with me so you can be happy with yangyang. i know that's what you want, and i felt like i was getting in the way so i'm sorry. i asked for the divorce and signed it ahead of you because i'm gonna be leaving seoul for a while. if you try to contact me, you won't reach me, that's probably because i'm already on a plane out of the country as you read this. don't come find me, i'm okay and i don't want you to worry. hope you have a happy life with your boyfriend, cas! see you soon!"

right now, he was already out of words. his mind went black and all sorts of thoughts came crashing down. he couldn't comprehend whatever he just read and it felt like his heart was now out of it's place. it's just gone.

was he supposed to feel happy? no. was he supposed to feel like this? yes? maybe? he wasn't really sure. they were husbands but they never really had something. it was him who didn't want it at first but he wanted him now. suddenly, it all felt unfair to him. but how could anything be unfair to him when he was the one unfair to jungwoo?

but it felt so wrong. he didn't want the divorce. he wants his husband back to seoul so he could explain. he wanted him to fly back so they could talk. even if he didn't come back to seoul, even if lucas were the one to go find him all over the world. he could waste money everywhere, he didn't care. all he wants is to see jungwoo.

he needed to take his mind off of it for just a little while and he was glad there was a meeting in his office that day. it's a good distraction.

what worried him even more was that his friends began to find him through him as well. it was obvious jungwoo didn't mention his leave to his own circle of friends. he couldn't possibly take this matter into his friends' hands, they'll worry even more.

he even began receiving texts from his friends saying,

"can you tell your husband to return my messages? we're supposed to be having dinner at the hotel tonight." which came from the pregnant man, ten.

"do you know where jungwoo is? is he stuck in a meeting again? haven't seen him all day." which came from taeyong.

the only who haven't messaged him was his own cousin, sicheng, the one guy who stuck with jungwoo all the time. the one guy who would ask him where jungwoo is if they're not together. lucas knows he knows something. sicheng knows.

not one phone call came to him from jungwoo that day, even the day after and the next day after that. there was no sign of him from anywhere, literally. his friends stopped sending him messages. he couldn't answer them anyway.

yangyang was with him for every day. he went lowkey on dates, he took him to discreet places and sometimes had to go with their friends to hide their relationship. he thought if seungcheol sees him, he'd be proud. but that wasn't on his mind at the moment. he needed more distraction.

he tried everything to keep his mind off of jungwoo and the divorce. he went on parties, had sex with his boyfriend and drank a lot. but even having sex made him think of his husband.

he was getting tired of staring at the brown envelope containing the papers he's been meaning to burn.

he took his keys and went out the door. he wanted company so he went to his boyfriend, yangyang.

when he reached his boyfriend's flat, he was greeted with a not-so-tall taiwanese-german boyfriend of his in the most fashionable robe ever worn. he held a flute glass in hand with champagne in it.

he usually don't drink champagne when he's alone, it would most likely be whiskey glasses with the match of netflix in the tv. did he know i was coming? lucas thought.

"aw, did you have a hunch again that i was coming?" lucas smiled and entered the flat.

he dropped his coat and keys on the couch before plopping himself on the couch. "rough day, babe?" his boyfriend asks.

"super." he rested his head on yangyang's chest before taking the champagne glass and downing the drink, it looked like the drink wasn't even touched yet.

he looked up to his boyfriend and caught his face with his big palms. he started to lock lips with the latter and deepened it a little bit more. yangyang was already responding when suddenly, he took the kiss into a halt and broke apart.

"you taste like cherry. you hate cherry." lucas says with a frowned face.

the younger tensed up subtly and tried swallowing discreetly. "what are you saying?" he replies.

"did you kiss someone else?"

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